Which ethnic groups are driving the marijuana consumption boom?
Marijuana has become mainstream and 90% of people believe it should be legal in some way. Currently, 40 states have medical marijuana laws and major medical research institutions are working to unlock the potential benefits of cannabis.
A YouGov poll found that about 52% of Americans have tried marijuana. Of those who have tried it, 43% have used it in the last year, and of those, 72% have used it in the last month. And among those over 60, there is an increase not only for medical purposes but also for recreational purposes.
In the fall of 2022, the cannabis industry entered an economic slump due to inflated flower prices, government regulations, a still-thriving black market, and the demise of a few bad suppliers. Combined with the Biden administration’s lack of enforcement on marijuana legalization, the situation looked bleak. EXCEPT for consumers, whose numbers and spending have only increased. In fact, Generation Z is turning away from alcohol and using marijuana more frequently and in smaller doses on the go.
RELATED: California or New York, where there’s the biggest marijuana mess
Although marijuana is consumed by everyone, here is some interesting data about ethnic groups and their purchases.
Data categories include Native American, Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, and Black/African American. The baseline is a gumbo of all purchases, but there are differences when looking at ethnic groups and age categories.
In BDSA’s Spring 2023 data, Hispanics spent the most money and spent the most per month. Hispanics spend 20% more per month and 7% more per trip than overall consumers in the most recent survey.
Looking at spending per trip, respondents who identified as Black or African American spent more than $2 more than Hispanics. Black and African American consumers spend the most per trip. Those who identified as Black or African American reported spending 9% more per month and 9% more per trip than overall consumers in the most recent spring 2023 survey
Asians and Native Americans spend significantly less than average each month at each pharmacy visit.
RELATED: Guess what’s gumming up the marijuana world?
Another way to look at data is that Generation Z and Millineials are moving toward e-cigarettes and edibles and moving away from traditional bud. This impacts the industry, but is also a sign of mainstreaming and “on-the-go” use, as there are products that can be used in public places with the telltale scent.
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