What’s the best way to trellis your cannabis plants?

For everyone involved in cannabis cultivation, the goal is to manufacture as many cannabis products as possible. This can be done in a number of ways, but knowing properly the best method for increasing your yield is very important. Various training and cultivation exercises have been tried over the years, some of which have been more beneficial than others. One particular process that must be consistent for good results is the art of the cannabis trellis. Read on as we examine exactly what cannabis trellis means, how it’s made, and the benefits associated with it.

What is cannabis trellis?

First of all, it is important to say what a trellis is before talking about cannabis trellis. In simple terms, a trellis is a net or canvas that is framed with a grid pattern. This framed screen is used in cultivation by positioning it either vertically or horizontally to increase the availability of growing space. The lattice pattern of the trellis also contributes to the increased incidence of light. Bringing this to cannabis cultivation is what we call the cannabis trellis. Since cannabis can be easily grown indoors and outdoors, a cannabis trellis can be used in both environments without any hindrance.

The science behind using a trellis and increasing yields is that the shoots of the plant can be easily bent and braided through gaps in the structure. This enables the breeder to increase the yield, since an increase in the shoot yield leads to an increase in the fruit. Likewise, by using a trellis, the grower is able to manipulate and change the growth process sufficiently to his advantage. This allows for more detailed training methods and sufficient time and space for monitoring. Now that the basics are understood, we can move into the details of what cannabis trellis means.

How is cannabis trellis carried out?

For a number of breeders, it was never about identifying with the importance of cannabis trellis, but rather how best to do it. Building a cannabis trellis doesn’t have to cost you a fortune these days. Depending on the type of materials used and the particularity of the processing, a cannabis trellis can be built without any problems and free of charge. Wooden lists and frames can be easily used for outdoor growing as they are known for their durability. Materials like netting, nylon, and plastics are the best materials for indoor growing. Regardless of the materials used, the basic principle is to create a mesh screen, as the toughness is relative depending on the environment and the size of the plant.

Trellising cannot be done accurately without suitable practical growing skills available to support it. This is because, while the trellis provides the ability to maximize more physical factors such as growth area and light penetration, maximizing it still depends on pruning and training techniques. Techniques like lollipopping, topping, defoliation, and LST are essential to benefit from using a trellis. Without these skills, it is advisable not to get started using a cannabis trellis just yet.

Types of cannabis trellis methods

As expected, cannabis trellis can be done either vertically or horizontally. The vertical cannabis trellis is a concept that can be compared to a wall and is mainly used outdoors. Using a vertical trellis increases the number of vertical vines as their growth tapers towards the light source. The use of vertical trellises is less common indoors as they are mostly used by commercial growers with large acreage. Some of these growers also place grow lights in the center of the trellis to provide maximum growth support for the plants.

The other type of cannabis trellis method, although known as the horizontal trellis method, is popularly known as the Screen of Green (ScrOG) method. This type of trellis is mainly preferred by indoor growers with a very keen eye for better yields. Using the green screen is not something that any cannabis grower can simply immerse themselves in as it involves science and art. This is because during the vegetative stage of growth of the plant, thinning is required and it can only be done by skilled hands. Strategy and knowledge also need to be applied to training and pruning techniques such as defoliation and trimming, which is why this process is not for the faint of heart.

Steps for trellising cannabis outdoors

Here’s a quick rundown of what to try when using cannabis trellises outdoors. Install a tomato cage in the center of the grow bag during transplanting. This will help serve as an internal system to support growth. Bars to hold the trellis can then be mounted to form corners of a square around the grow bag. These poles should be of considerable height to accommodate the final height of the plant. It is also important that the bars are strong, firm, and secure.

Horizontal trellises can then be attached to the bars, with the first trellis being placed directly above the tomato cage and the second at a considerable height above it. The purpose of the first trellis is to use low tension training methods to grow the plant through its holes. The second trellis is mainly applicable to large size plants.

An outer cage is then inserted around the poles to aid in lateral growth. There is also a need for suitable training techniques for this outer cage, in particular to prevent the plant from sprouting out of control. Enough space should be left below to allow for tighter and more personal pruning processes that may need to be performed on the plant. Caring for the plants is very important to the growth of the process, as mentioned earlier, and other cultivation precautions must also be incorporated into the overall growth exercise.

Bottom line

Growers familiar with the use of cannabis trellises can adequately testify to the difference in yield compared to the normal growing process. This makes the art of cannabis trellising a useful skill for any serious cannabis grower.







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