What would people say if we regulated alcohol like marijuana?
When it comes to legalization, one of the most successful strategies has been to regulate cannabis as if it were alcohol. This was especially popular in Colorado in 2012 when the state legalized cannabis for adult use.
The reason for this is simple; “Since we have a more dangerous substance than cannabis that is already legal and regulated, cannabis could be regulated in the same way …”
This was very reasonable for its time as recreational cannabis was nowhere legal in the world.
In 2012, Colorado and Washington made history by legalizing cannabis for adult use, and while only Colorado legalized it under the premise “regulates it like alcohol,” WA also used the same agencies that regulate alcohol to regulate cannabis.
Since then, the argument’s popularity has gained ground. The problem is, in many cases – and even in Colorado – cannabis is not regulated like alcohol.
For example, what is most of the alcohol that you can buy from a single store in your local area?
Are you having trouble answering the question? That’s because the answer is very difficult to determine. In places like California, there is absolutely no limit to the number of bottles of wine you can buy in a single location.
In many states there are limits to how much you can “brew” yourself, but not many;
How much can you buy in a single shot?
How much you can have with you at all times
As you can see, unlike cannabis, alcohol gets a free pass to many of the things cannabis scrutinizes, such as purchase limits and potency limits.
In the world of alcohol there are names for potencies of alcohol content – but we don’t see politicians trying to limit whiskey to 5%, do we?
Even more shocking, according to the FBI’s alcohol-related crime statistics, around 500,000 cases of alcohol violence are reported each year, not to mention the crimes that went under the radar.
But it’s getting worse.
86% of homicides and 60% of sexual abuse or rape cases have been under the influence of the drug (alcohol), and there are approximately 10,000 road deaths from alcohol use and driving.
If these statistics were related to cannabis, it would never have been legalized in a million years – unless it has to do with alcohol, so does it get a free pass?
Where is the outrage of those lawmakers protecting children from the “alleged risks of cannabis” when the vast majority of child abuse cases occur while the guardian is drunk?
As a little thought experiment, what would happen if, instead of regulating cannabis like alcohol, we did the opposite?
Regulating alcohol like cannabis (thought experiment)
Let’s take a minute to think about what the world would be like if we regulated alcohol like cannabis.
For starters, each state would have different rules and regulations – this currently applies to alcohol, but not to the grade of cannabis.
There are federal laws in place for alcohol that provide specific guidelines for regulation. We’re still waiting for the same treatment for cannabis – which could happen this year.
However, the rules that are being enacted regarding the legalization of cannabis are as follows:
Restrictions on how much you can buy
Limitations on how much you can have with you at once
Limits of potency
Advertising Restrictions
Age limit
Limiting the number of stores in a given area
Home growing restrictions (if allowed)
While there are certainly many more restrictions on the cannabis industry, let’s take these seven points and take them a little further.
If we were to regulate alcohol like marijuana, a user should be limited to how much they can buy in a single place (or “in a single day” in certain states).
In the case of cannabis, some caps are set at one ounce – which is the equivalent of one joint per day for a month.
Perhaps we could limit beer purchases to a case of beer or a maximum of 30 beers in a single purchase. As for stronger spirits – we would have to limit them based on potency and no more than 1 liter of spirits per purchase.
Second, let’s talk about how much you can carry at any given time. For cannabis, the limit values vary depending on the state, but even these are largely limited to one ounce.
With regard to alcohol, we would follow the first statement and limit it to a maximum of 1 crate of beer or 1 liter of spirits. If you get caught with more than this you will be fined immediately and jailed for frequent violations.
Potency limits are next on the list. Since lawmakers want to limit cannabis products to a measly 15%, we should treat alcohol the same way. No alcoholic drink should have an alcohol content of more than 15%.
Sorry whiskey, brandy, vodka …
Next we will talk about advertising. Every single Super Bowl commercial should be banned immediately. Removed all beer commercials from television. Every billboard must be inaccessible to children and no advertising for young adults is allowed.
The age limit will remain at 21 – I think that’s the only thing that is regulated in a similar way.
Next, let’s look at availability and stores. The number of stores in a given area should be limited – and permits must be very expensive. Every city would limit the number of legal stores and alcohol would not be available in places like Walmart, 7/11, or anywhere else besides these special liquor stores.
Alcohol income from these businesses should not be accepted by banks, they would only have to trade in cash.
And finally, let’s take a closer look at homebrewing. You could do it, but your surgery should be limited to no more than 10 liters per month. Anything above that can result in massive fines or jail sentences!
The sticky ground
Now that we have reached the end of our thought experiment, think about what society would be like under these conditions.
The mafia or drug cartels would be smuggling alcohol again immediately because people would buy it without any problems!
As you can see, the biggest problem with cannabis isn’t the plant itself – it’s the overregulation of a substance that is far less dangerous than alcohol – which makes it expensive and provides excuses for law enforcement agencies to harass and repress users who “the Breaking Rules ”and is not based on security.
If cannabis regulations were to “make us safer”, one could imagine that a drug, which is present in 84% of murders and 60% of sexual abuse cases, would be investigated more closely.
Can’t we say that about cannabis right now, can we?
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