What is THC-H and is it really 10 times stronger than regular THC?
On the cannabis front, new discoveries seem to emerge almost daily, bringing with them a glut of active ingredients like flavonoids, cannabinoids, and terpenes that create special experiences when mixed and matched.
THC-H is a rare and free-occurring cannabinoid believed to be 10 times more potent than common THC, sparking the interest of producers around the world looking to delve into its potent effects.
Manufacturers like Binoid and a few others are at the forefront of developing and releasing products containing novel cannabinoids, and THC-H is no different. They have announced their debut THC-H line, which shows a lot of promise.
THC-H is still unknown, but preliminary results suggest that it may help increase your feelings of euphoria and elevate your mood.
What is THC-H?
THC-H is a delta-9-THC hexyl homologue, meaning that the molecular structure of the two cannabinoids is similar but organized differently, giving them different effects. However, they share numerous properties, the most notable of which is tetrahydrocannabihexol’s ability to get you high, which is definitely the most appealing aspect of it.
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How it is done
THC-H was extracted from the marijuana plant for the first time in 2020 by a group of Italian researchers who also identified tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THC-P). Due to the high level of intoxicating effects they can produce, these two novel cannabinoids, THC-H and THC-P, are considered the most potent forms of THC identified in the hemp plant.
It is a minor cannabinoid found in modest concentrations in the hemp plant; therefore it is a naturally occurring molecule or it can be synthesized. It is highly recommended to use with caution as THC-H is a potent compound, stronger than Delta-10, Delta-8 and almost all other compounds.
Benefits and Effects of THC-H
While all of the benefits and effects that can be reaped from THC-H have yet to be fully discovered, early results show potential for pain relief and mood elevation, but strong evidence is not yet available.
What we do know about THC-H is that it is powerful and can induce an enhanced euphoric experience, especially when combined with other cannabinoids like Delta-8. But there is still a lot to learn. There is also a chance to learn through other users’ experiences that it induces feelings of joy, exhilaration, pain relief, and relaxation.
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Since tetrahydrocannabihexol is relatively new and one of the most recently discovered cannabinoids, clinical data and research on its potential therapeutic benefits such as effects on migraines, inflammation, appetite, sleep, anxiety, etc. are simply not available. These types of studies take a lot of time, and the cannabinoid just hasn’t been around long enough to warrant them.
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Why a THC-H high is unique
Based on all the information gathered so far, THC-H could be considered the second most intoxicating cannabinoid in hemp, after THC-P, according to the group that found it. In terms of what it feels like to be high, many people compare it to THC-P
This means that tetrahydrocannabihexol gives you a strong feeling of euphoria as well as a calming feeling in both body and mind. In fact, this cannabinoid seems to have a particular reputation for inducing an out-of-this-world physical high. Another surprising fact is that many say that THC-H lasts longer than we would expect from psychoactive cannabinoids – potentially twice as long according to consumers who have tried it.
Legal status of THC-H
Tetrahydrocannabihexol is a perfectly legal cannabinoid under federal law, provided it is derived from the hemp plant like all other commercial THC-H products. And that’s because it falls under the 2018 Farm Bill, which also legalized cannabinoids like Delta-8 and CBD. All hemp derivatives are allowed under the Farm Bill if they contain a maximum delta-9-THC content of 0.3% dry weight. There is no conflict because THC-H is a completely different cannabinoid than Delta-9.
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At the same time, a number of states have enacted blanket bans on psychoactive cannabinoids due to unfriendly hemp or CBD regulations. So if you are a resident of Colorado, Idaho, Alaska, Mississippi, New York, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Arkansas, Delaware, Nevada, Iowa, Rhode Island, Vermont, Montana, and North Dakota, you may not have THC-H buy legally.
Where can you buy THC-H?
THC-H is an extremely scarce and rare cannabinoid. This is why we are so impressed with companies that ethically manufacture products using this distillate, as it is a difficult task and can also be very costly. Luckily there are companies that take care of quality assurance and build it into their products as testing in government labs is rigorous. THC-H vape cartridges are made with THC-H distillate and some incredible terpene strains. Many new THC-H buyers are looking for terpenes instead of THC strength since THC-H is already stronger than THC.
After working so hard all day or when you just need to relax, a few hits of the Diamond OG THC-H cartridge is all you need. It is an indica strain that will help you feel relaxed and calm.
bottom line
THC-H is the newest cannabinoid in town. Compared to the very potent Delta-9-THC and THC-P, THC-H certainly gives you that extra boost. It delivers the clean, pure, natural, and unadulterated high that we deserve.
This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and has been republished with permission.
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