What is PGR grass | Fifth Ave Green House
What is PGR weed and how to recognize it?
As the debate over genetically modified foods rages on, there are now concerns about genetically modified cannabis.
While genetically modified cannabis is not on the market, plant growth regulators (PGR) are used to chemically modify cannabis.
PGRs are used to control various aspects of plant growth. These chemicals can be used to enlarge different parts of plants.
For example, breeders do this to increase fruit size, control flowering time, and better control the size of certain parts such as roots or stems. The problem is that these plant growth regulators are often toxic chemicals that should not be eaten, let alone smoked. The concern is that unscrupulous farmers are using these chemicals to increase their profits at the expense of people's health.
PGR weed does not contain even standard amounts of cannabinoids, terpenes, and trichomes. In some cases, it may not produce THC at all.
The cannabinoids like CBD and THC are the main draw for recreational and medical marijuana. Customers could easily come up short or, worse, end up smoking something that only poses a health risk.
What is PGR grass?
PGR grass is cannabis grown with plant growth regulators. These chemicals are often synthetic and alter plant growth to increase yield or achieve desired effects. When growing cannabis, they are used to produce larger, denser flowers.
Normally larger yields and denser flowers would be a good thing. However, the chemicals used change the plant and interfere with THC development. They are used to increase the size and weight of cannabis while virtually eliminating beneficial cannabinoids, terpenes, and trichomes from the plant.
Not only are unsuspecting customers spending money on marijuana that may not have the desired effect, but they are also endangering their health by burning and ingesting chemicals that are not suitable for human consumption.
In addition, the use of many of these PGRs is prohibited in food crops and is permitted only for ornamental plants.
Why do some breeders use them? Despite the legalization of cannabis in many states, there are still many black market growers. In fact, legalization has increased the demand for weed.
Some black market growers are taking advantage of this by using PGR to inflate the cannabis they grow and sell illegally.
While legal marijuana follows laws, regulations, and testing, there is still plenty of illegal street weed that may have been grown with PGRs.
What are Plant Growth Regulators?
Plant growth regulators are synthetic or organic chemicals that regulate certain parts of plant growth and development. These include the dormancy period, fruit growth, and the length and size of stems and roots. These plant genetic resources are popular because the plants they produce look more desirable.
Growers also use PGR to increase plant health and resistance to cannabis mold.
Plant growth regulators are not inherently bad. The problem is that the regulatory agencies put in place to increase cannabis yields could well make the product dangerous to consumers.
Organic plant growth regulators and synthetic plant growth regulators
There are organic/natural plant genetic resources used in agriculture and food production.
Kelp, for example, contains natural plant hormones that can help increase yields. Other natural plant growth regulators include chitosan, a sugar found in the exoskeleton of shellfish, and experiments derived from alfalfa hay.
These natural plant growth regulators have similar effects to synthetic versions. They can increase and improve growth patterns. Because they are natural, they pose no risk to human health and are environmentally friendly, so they do not harm waterways through runoff or harm local biodiversity.
Organic PGRs are less effective than synthetic PGRs. They're also more expensive, so black market growers are naturally drawn to synthetic options.
They can produce large, fat, dense and colorful buds that increase profits. But synthetic plant hormones produce tasteless and nearly useless flowers because they do not provide the cannabinoids sought by those seeking recreational or medical marijuana.
How do you recognize PGR grass?
While shady characters attempt to use plant growth regulators to increase profits, there are several ways to identify PGR weeds.
The main methods for identifying PGR weed from standard cannabis are:
Excessive red or brown hair
Cannabis plants usually have hair-like pistils. PGR weeds have more hair-like fibers with brown and red color. They tend to produce more of these hairs than trichomes or crystals that contain the desired THC.
No crystals
Speaking of no trichomes, if you see very few crystals, it's probably because PGR is interfering with the development of terpenes, trichomes, and cannabinoids.
No smell
PRG can interfere with the development of terpenes. This means that PGR cannabis often loses its distinct weed smell.
Different terpenes and cannabinoids have unique smells that create a rich bouquet when smelling the flowers. If you tear off a piece and don't smell anything, it could very well be PGR weed.
Dense, heavy and rock hard buds
PGR forces strong flower growth. This results in denser and heavier nuggets. Unfortunately, this can also result in a hard texture that feels strange.
The spongy, wet texture
If cannabis has a strangely wet or spongy consistency, this could also be a sign of PGR use.
Chemical smell or taste
If you notice a pungent chemical taste or smell in the weed or smoke, this is a clear sign of PGR weed.
This can even lead to a very short chemical reaction that leaves you tired later.
You can identify PGR cannabis by the fact that it contains no aromatic flavonoids and terpenes, that it lacks the rich flavor (or enhanced, pungent chemical odor/taste) that is characteristic of weed, and that it is “polished,” hard, and often looks brightly colored.
So when it comes to PGR weed versus natural cannabis, if your buds look a little dead and unattractive but smell and feel good, then it's better to go for the less dramatic looking option rather than the cosmetic option, since The latter could eat up your budget and make you sick at the same time.
What synthetic hormones are most commonly used to make PGR weed?
The three most commonly used synthetic PGRs in cannabis cultivation are chlormequat chloride, daminozide (also known as Alar), and paclobutrazol.
All three increase growth and ensure that the flowers become the largest and densest part of the plant.
The problem is that all three have harmful effects on the human body.
Chlormequat chloride
Chlormequat chloride promotes the growth of larger buds by slowing the growth of other areas of the plant. Although it is not as carcinogenic as the other synthetic plant growth regulators, it can cause skin and eye irritation and even organ damage.
Daminozide, also known as Alar, slows leaf and stem growth and increases bud size. But that's not all; It also limits the development of terpenes and cannabinoids. This means no THC or CBD.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has classified daminozide as a probable carcinogen and banned its use in food. It was previously used as a spray for fruits, vegetables and other food crops. It should not be smoked if it is not suitable for human consumption!
Paclobutrazol limits plant cell elongation, which also increases flower and bud density. However, paclobutrazol also limits the ability of cannabis to produce THC. Of the three, it is also the most poisonous.
When you inhale PGR weed grown on paclobutrazol, it breaks down into nitrosamines. The same potent carcinogenic chemical is also found in cigarettes.
How do breeders use synthetic hormones?
Making PGR weeds is not difficult. While responsible growers take the plant's needs into account, the most irresponsible growers use the following methods:
Spray pants
Irrigation – the PGRs are mixed into the water used to irrigate the plant soil. The roots absorb the substances.
Stretching – is a mixture of a spray and a wet application.
The PGRs are applied to the leaves and flowers using a large-volume spray jet.
What are the health risks of using PGR weed?
Some of the initial symptoms of consuming PGR weed include low energy, low performance, lethargy, and severe headaches.
In the long term, these toxins can cause liver and kidney damage, neurotoxicity (where the normal activity of your nervous system is severely impaired), fertility problems, various cancer risks, skin and eye damage, and more.
How common is PGR weed in the United States and is it legal?
Unfortunately, PGR weed is widely available in the illegal cannabis market in the United States.
The use of PGRs in plants intended for human consumption and in agricultural environments for food production is prohibited. However, PGRs are still available for ornamental plants.
How do people know that cannabis products contain PGR weeds?
If you plan on smoking weed, you can identify PGR cannabis by its appearance, texture, and smell (or lack thereof).
However, if you use e-cigarettes or edibles made from PGR cannabis, you will most likely notice that the product has a chemical taste and a specific chemical smell.
Some users experience dizziness or nausea after consuming the product.
Due to the adverse health effects of consuming PGR cannabis, you should purchase and consume legally grown cannabis that comes from authorized growers and certified dispensaries.
While purchasing cannabis from dispensaries and authorized growers may cost more money, the additional cost gives you peace of mind and helps you avoid PGR cannabis.
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