What is hemp seed oil and is it as good for your skin as cosmetic companies say?
Cannabis Sativa is a unique herbaceous plant that has been around for centuries. Historically, communities used this plant for a variety of purposes, from skin care to textiles to food. This plant has around 80 active cannabinoids and most of them are concentrated in the leaves of the plant. What you may not know is that hemp and marijuana both come from the cannabis sativa plant.
However, because they have biologically distinct structures, they have a number of distinct differences. The most significant difference between these two is that hemp generally contains very little THC, while marijuana has a higher percentage.
Marijuana as alternative medicine
As previously mentioned, marijuana contains higher levels of THC. In the past, communities used this herb as medicine. Doctors and scientists are actively working on studies and experiments to show that this herb can be used as an alternative medicine, as in the past. For most of the last few decades, marijuana has been criminalized and is still illegal in several states in the United States and in most parts of the world. Marijuana is still illegal at the federal level in the States.
Nowadays people are curious about the medical benefits of marijuana and this has led them to explore the different possibilities. It is also used as a legal recreational drug in several states, which is a major step forward for the entire cannabis industry. With legalization, there are now various regulations to protect consumers. This ensures that the products you get from your local pharmacy are safe to use.
Thanks to research, new strains of cannabis have also been developed to meet specific needs and produce a variety of effects. For example, it’s now possible to get strains that help people with insomnia sleep better, or ones that work wonders in treating chronic pain.
What is hemp?
Hemp is a versatile and multifaceted ingredient made up of the pressed leaves, flowers, seeds and stems of Cannabis sativa. It is often grown to be used in a variety of industries such as the food, beauty, and agriculture industries. It is also fibrous, making it suitable for making paper, clothing, and textiles.
Nature’s Medicines Hemp Seed Oil is also very beneficial for the body and is used in food as a source of omega fatty acids among other essential nutrients.
hemp oil
This is an herbaceous oil cold-pressed from hemp seeds and widely used as an ingredient in the beauty and food industries. In recent years, the use of hemp oil in different types of skin care products has increased drastically. This has subsequently sparked consumer interest in the benefits of botanical ingredients in skin care formulations.
Hemp seed oil is naturally green and contains up to 90% omega fatty acids. Unlike CBD oil, this oil is mainly used to make skin care products due to its powerful moisturizing properties and abundance of antioxidants.
Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil for Your Skin
Your skin forms a barrier to your organs and the rest of your body, protecting you from injury and infection from external environmental factors. Because of this, your skin will inevitably get damaged, which can sometimes be unavoidable. Hemp Seed Oil helps combat the symptoms of stressed skin, which also slows visible signs of aging, reduces irritation, and improves your skin texture and tone.
Your skin needs to be healthy to function optimally. Hemp seed oil has a balanced ratio of omega 3 and omega 6, which are among the most important ingredients in a quality skin care product. Here’s an in-depth look at some of the benefits of hemp seed oil for your skin.
1.Moderation of oil production
Hemp oil works perfectly on most skin types and moisturizes without clogging pores. The oil can also help to balance your skin with oily skin by moisturizing and regulating oil production. Sometimes people with dry skin types experience an overproduction of oil, which sometimes stimulates acne.
If you’ve dealt with it, using a product with hemp seed oil prevents dryness without clogging our pores. This will therefore help fight acne caused by excessive oil production.
2. Treatment of atopic dermatitis
One of the things that makes hemp oil really beneficial for the skin is its high concentration of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Consuming these essential nutrients can help treat skin conditions like atopic dermatitis. Dietary hemp oil has been found to significantly reduce the incidence and symptoms of clinical atopic dermatitis.
3. Moisturizing and soothing inflammation
The omega-6 fatty acids in hemp oil include gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient. GLA also stimulates skin growth and cell regeneration. This helps in calming irritation and inflammation on your skin, thus helping to treat conditions like psoriasis and acne. At the same time, it keeps your skin hydrated and well-nourished.
4. Contains anti-aging properties
Not only does hemp oil help keep your skin soft and supple, but it also has anti-aging properties. Therefore, it can help reduce wrinkles and fine lines on your skin, which helps slow down the signs of aging. The oleic and linoleic acids found in hemp oil cannot be naturally produced by the body, but play a vital role in anti-aging and promoting skin health. Therefore, they are important and you can incorporate them into your diet.
Aside from being good for your skin, hemp seed oil also helps relieve pain, among other things. Aside from applying hemp oil to your skin, you can take it sublingually or orally, so you can find topical products on the market alongside capsules of the oil. The next time you’re looking for skin care products, look out for products that contain this oil as one of the main ingredients. You can also ask your dermatologist to recommend some of the best products containing hemp oil.
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