What is Hashishene? A terpene that gives Moroccan hash its unique aroma
There has always been something about the Moroccan hash that many users in Europe and the Middle East have not been able to properly handle. Until a few years ago this was always a mystery. Fortunately, the mystery was solved when the French police and their scientists accidentally discovered what it was – Hashishene!
Hasishene gives Moroccan hash a unique quality. This gives it an intense aroma that is fully integrated into the taste of the hashish.
You cannot take the Moroccan hash without feeling the synergy between the cannabinoids present and the hashish. Yes, the famous entourage effect!
Before I dive into this content, I want to refresh your memory on what hashish is.
Hashish is a finely ground, dried cannabis plant whose volatile components contain astounding amounts of a rare monoterpene. Hashish is commonly referred to as hashish and is made from resins from harvested cannabis plant buds that have been broken down and compressed.
Hashish often looks brown or dark. Regular hash is made through a long and rigorous industrial process in which the female plant buds of the stem are dried, sifted and finally compressed.
Hashishen is a monoterpene that is not common in the cannabis growing community. It is abundant in Moroccan hash and is made through a unique breakdown of its parent compound.
It arises from the photo-oxidation of beta-myrcene.
The chemical known as myrcene is rearranged and demoted in some photolytic reactions that occur in the presence of light. The photo-oxidation effect occurs when the buds are exposed to sunlight, heat and oxygen.
The chemical formula and molecular weight of Harshinene are the same as Myrcene-C10H16. Although the hash structure when pulled out is different.
Its structure seems daunting;
The researchers who discovered this terpene called it “hashish” because it can be realized in hashish in very high quantities. It was also not found in as many amounts as was found in other cannabis products.
Some researchers have recommended that the Hashishene Association can be used by research institutions and law enforcement agencies as a medium to test for the presence of hash samples. The scientists who discovered hashishen submitted this method to the European Union for patent protection.
However, this is unlikely – since hashish is not only a mutated form of myrcene, but myrcene is widely distributed in the ecosystem. It is available in fruits such as mangoes. You can also find it in relative amounts in plants like barley, bay leaf, and hops. Hence, this could lead to many untrue positive results being reported.
Hashishen is only present in hashish – it does not exist in the buds of the harvested plants. This is because myrcene, its parent chemical, is present in the bud and is later converted to hashishen during the processing stages.
Hashinene has a unique earthy and floral taste that sets Moroccan hash apart from other types of hash, which have a basic musky aroma.
A regular Moroccan musk user can easily tell if they are using a counterfeit product because the Hashishene flavor gives Moroccan hash an extremely pleasant taste and smell. Very easy to spot.
Moroccans are proud on many fronts. One of them is the unique hash. The North African country produces and exports one of the best hashes in the world. European cannabis users keep talking about the love they have for Moroccan hashish.
With a hit of the Moroccan hash, you will feel a soft, floral, earthy and sweet taste that you will want to keep forever.
Some of the cannabis strains found in Morocco have an increased dose of cannabidiol (CBD). This has been attributed to why the Moroccan hash has a calming and mild calming effect on its users. It has also been claimed that this calming response is caused by the unusual method that hash is made in the country.
As expected, there was much speculation that the source of Moroccan hashish’s distinctive taste could not be traced. People formulated different ideas.
Some of them are:
The originality of the soil in the Rift Valley. The bottom of the valley is low in nutrients and has a very small water capacity, which is optimal for Moroccan cannabis strains.
The ketama genetics. It is said that this area produces the best hashish. And the best way to grow and get the same taste and flavor of the Ketama strains is to plant indoors – with native soil from the region.
The discovery of hashish brought clarity to the source of the unique taste of Moroccan hashish.
In Morocco, the farmers who produce hashish place their harvested plant heads on flat surfaces such as their roofs, the top of their trucks, etc. – the crop just needs to be where it is directly touched by sunlight. Here the plants are directly exposed to the boiling heat of the sun and sieving begins.
This is the unique aspect of hashish production in Moroccan cannabis farms. The available sunlight and oxygen change the myrcene structure pattern and result in hashish. Not to mention that both oxygen and sunlight convert THCA to THC at the same time.
Other hash producers limit their crops’ exposure to light and oxygen, as this reduces the potency of the plant.
However, where Moroccan hashish lacks potency, it makes up for it with the supreme sedative effects that make it popular with several cannabis smokers.
Several European marijuana users who have had the opportunity to visit Morocco always claim that the whole country smells like hashish.
Hash is leading the cannabis scene in Europe and the Middle East, and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon.
If you’ve never tried the Moroccan hash, don’t hesitate to get your hands on it ASAP.
If you are thinking of changing the way you prepare your hash, you can visit Morocco to learn about Moroccan hash development strategy. It’s going to be a fun trip!
This way you can be sure that a market is available in Europe and the Middle East. Have fun working with hashish to create your special Moroccan hash.
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