What is a tolerance break? – Latest cannabis news today

It may come as a surprise to new smokers, but sometimes the answer to the embarrassment when your regular weed doesn’t get you as high as you wish is to take a tolerance break. So what exactly is a tolerance break? It’s the last thing you want to hear, but nobody wants to throw money away smoking more cannabis for less return. As with many other substances, cannabinoid-1 receptors require more THC to activate after long-term cannabis use, which means that more cannabis must be consumed to achieve the same high.


Tolerance breaks (also called T-breaks) give the receptors time to return to baseline. After two days, the receptors begin to return to normal function. It can take anywhere from a week to 21 days to completely clear the body of THC, but a week or two should be enough to reset your baseline. After that, you’ll find that you need a lot less cannabis to get your desired high. Trimming is an option if you don’t want to stop entirely, but the best and fastest way to reset is to take a tolerance break.

The basics of a tolerance break

Other factors that determine how long your body may need to reset include how often it is used and how old it is. If you only smoke one gram a day, you don’t need as long a tolerance break as someone who smokes four grams or more. Usually, those who smoke larger amounts have likely been smoking for longer, but this is not always the case. The amount of THC obtained varies widely depending on which form of it is used.

Someone who smokes shatter may smoke fewer products than someone who smokes flowers, but they get more THC per dab compared to a joint. Metabolism is also a factor, but ultimately it’s not an exact science. If you want to reduce and improve tolerance, try changing your consumption method. For dabber, shake things up and roll a joint or grab a bong full of flowers. If you prefer a good, old-fashioned joint, try smoking a bowl of half your regular joint. Little things like this are a great way to lower tolerance coupled with willpower.

Since smoking is a ritual for most people, finding ways to break the habit can be difficult, if only temporarily. When you usually watch TV and get excited, enjoying your usual routine while the smoke is off can be incredibly frustrating. I find this is a lot easier to deal with when I put away all of my gear and try to avoid those smoke triggers. In the case of a tolerance break, permanent quitting is not the plan. Remembering this can also make taking temporary time off easier. Keeping your hands and mind busy is the trick to ending any habit, but this can be more complicated, especially if you smoke for medical reasons.

Tips for trimming back

Those who use cannabis for medicinal purposes have many different options for reducing their quality of life. Various cannabis-infused tinctures, creams, and even patches can help with muscle or nerve pain. Ingesting oils or edibles is another way to control pain, and for some, cannabis use is a very different experience than smoking. Some smokers just don’t get high from eating herbal products in any form or dosage. Many companies have strains that have little to no THC but CBD, which can help with pain but won’t get a person “high”.

For myself, a smoker over fifteen years old, I want to stop my admission before taking a tolerance break. When I need more than 3 grams a day to manage my chronic pain, I start paying attention to my intake. First, I make a solid inventory of the number of joints I smoke in a day or two. After that, finding the balance between too much and too little is a simple game.

Switching to a bong also helps. I suggest working with a bowl of half my usual joint and holding that level for as long as possible. Everyone knows their own body best, sometimes simply cutting back is enough to find the path you want to go. However, it’s not uncommon for me to have to take a break for a while, and that too is always my last resort due to chronic pain. Many of us medical users choose to smoke because we don’t want to use artificial pain relievers or narcotics. Quitting smoking only to fall into another pain relief system is never anyone’s goal.

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