What is a situationship relationship?

The dating world started changing in the 1970s with free love, open relationships and everything else. Unlike in Europe, most Americans were more prudish and firm about the way people contacted each other. Although they are stricter than their counterparts across the pond, Americans keep a low profile when it comes to personal matters. Now something new has emerged: What is a situationship relationship and are you in one?

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The last 20 years have been a wild ride for dating. Online dating, open relationships, Ashley Madison, gay marriage, group dating in school, and more. At least on the coasts, you can meet people who have been apart of each gender at least a few times. Online dating has become the norm, with over 17 percent of the population using online dating services in 2023. That means nearly 60 million people are looking for something. Plus, there's still a fear of being single, which may be partly due to the culture's stigma, as people view single adults more negatively. As people become more of a melting pot, Indians, Asians, and other cultures are putting a lot of pressure on early traditional marriages. People who fear being single are more likely to settle for less in their relationship, trading one problem for another.

Situationships are characterized by a lack of commitment or exclusivity, but their hallmark is the lack of clear boundaries or labels. There are elements of friendship and romance, but they exist without defining the relationship. So essentially, you have many of the benefits of a traditional relationship without having to commit. Friends know something is going on, and you might spend important moments together, birthdays, holidays, when one of them is sick. But it's not clearly defined.

Situationships provide the sense of connection you get in a normal relationship, coupled with the independence of single life. But the downside is that you're in a grey area, making it harder to move forward or end things. Lack of clarity has a negative impact on mental health, especially when looking to the future.

Signs that you may be in a situationship include:

  • You don’t label your relationship
  • You don’t make long-term plans
  • You are not exclusive

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About 3 in 5 have been in such a relationship because it can satisfy immediate needs. However, in the long run, it can affect the chance of a more satisfying relationship.

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