What can you do if you want your edibles to work faster after ingestion?
Consuming edibles is often difficult, especially when you have no idea what your body can tolerate. We have different bodies; The way you react to a given dose of edible cannabis may not be the way the next person reacts. Body chemistry is unique and so many factors react to it to determine the intensity of an edible session.
Edibles could make you go from “oh god this ain’t working let me have some more” to an insane “shit I think I had too much where’s my head”? The search for fast-acting cannabis edibles has intensified, while learning how to speed up the effects of the edibles may be a better option. Ironically, it’s entirely possible to get an edible labeled “fast-acting” and still experience the usual lag.
To be honest, it’s almost impossible to determine whether or not an edible would respond quickly to a person on the first try. Instead, people are encouraged to find a strain that takes as long as possible to induce the high. Prepare to learn more about the different ways you can speed up and intensify a high from cannabis edibles on this journey together.
The Art of Eating Edibles
When edibles are consumed, the food material and cannabis must be digested and broken down in the stomach before the cannabinoids can enter the bloodstream. This is unlike smoking and vaping, where the inhaled smoke or vapor moves out of the lungs and immediately releases the cannabinoids into the bloodstream, allowing the user to feel the buzzing effects of weed in under 10 minutes.
The main benefit of consuming edibles is that it results in a more intense or potent experience. However, many are put off by the time it takes to feel an effect. The waiting time after eating edibles can be up to 60 minutes. For some it is longer.
If you’re new to edibles, here are the factors that determine how long it takes for an edible to break down and metabolize.
Tolerance describes the amount of cannabinoids that the body is used to. If you are a regular cannabis user, a given amount of cannabinoid may not be enough to produce an effect. For example, if you consume around 7mg of edibles on a regular basis, you may not get the potent results you expect. However, if you rarely smoke or vape, the same amount may seem more than enough.
Basically, you may need to take more than the usual amount to feel a strong effect.
kind of edible
Some edibles kick in quicker than others. Edibles like infused drinks, baked goods, and gummies take about 50 to 60 minutes to take effect. In contrast, sublingual edibles like lozenges, lollipops, or mint sticks take effect within 15 to 30 minutes as the cannabinoids are delivered directly into the bloodstream.
metabolism and body weight
Ultimately, the delivery rate mainly depends on the user’s metabolic rate and body weight. This determines how long it takes for the edibles to take effect, how long the high will last, and how intense it will be.
Tricks to make edibles work faster
We’ve come a long way since you had to wait an hour or two for your edibles to kick in. These options allow you to speed up the onset of cannabinoid effects.
Try sublinguals
Sublinguals are edibles that you can place on or under your tongue. Use lozenges, lollipops, mint sticks, or tinctures; these allow the THC to quickly travel through your oral tissues into your bloodstream. The effects can be seen within minutes.
While this method results in an accelerated onset of high, the effects will wear off faster than regular edibles. This is because these sublingual edibles are not fat based.
Consider infused beverages
Cannabis-infused beverages and other beverages go through the normal cycle of the digestive system. However, drinks are less bulky and move faster through the route, releasing the cannabinoids sooner.
You can prepare your infused drinks with drinks and juices, or buy ready-made products. Both work and are guaranteed to get you high faster than regular edibles.
Consume edibles on an empty stomach
This is one of the surest tricks to make an edible train go faster. When you consume edibles alone on an empty stomach, your digestive system has no choice but to process them. When your stomach and digestive tract are full of food, your body has to process all of the food first. There is no way to alter the digestive process; you have to wait.
As good as this trick is, it is best practiced by experienced smokers.
If you’re a cannabis novice with little or no experience, you could be putting yourself at a disadvantage. It would be best if you had more than the calories of a dose of edibles to deal with the anticipated high. Instead of enjoying the buzz, you may be left with an uncomfortable experience. This applies regardless of the type of consumption. So if you are a regular cannabis user, the best time to consume a THC edible is when you are hungry. When your body asks for food, you pay for it with edibles, ie food and some cannabinoids.
Take a tolerance break
Try to take a short break from cannabis use. It can be for a day, weeks or even a month. The next time you have an edible after this break, you can expect the effects to come on faster and feel more intense.
bottom line
Medicinal edibles are becoming more popular every day. Not everyone can or wants to smoke cannabis. Not to mention that smoking or burning cannabis really isn’t healthy. Gone are the days when edible lovers had to accept the status quo of waiting an hour or more as immutable. Sure, that’s how edibles work, but you can still use the tips above to enhance the products or speed up their effects without compromising the amount of time you stay noticeably high.
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