What are the fastest ways to get high?
There are a variety of methods you can use to get high, each with their advantages and disadvantages. That includes the time marijuana hits you. For example, inhaled cannabis is absorbed through the bloodstream and produces a faster high than edible cannabis, which is absorbed through the stomach lining.
While the weed is absorbed into the bloodstream faster than most of the other options, there are small differences between each method, from joints and dabs to cartridges. Here are some of the quickest ways to get high:
Photo by OlegMalyshev / Getty Images
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Dabs are fast and powerful, which is why they are usually recommended to people who have experience with cannabis and have developed a certain tolerance for it. Dabs are very powerful because they are concentrates that contain mostly THC and terpenes that are vaporized as soon as you apply heat to them. With a dab, you’ll likely wait a few minutes before feeling high.
Vape pens
Photo by BackyardProduction / Getty Images
Another fast-acting method is THC pens, which in turn are concentrates that work very quickly. They’re usually stronger than flowers as the concentrates eliminate many of the elements present in cannabis, leaving behind terpenes and the cannabinoids people are looking for, like THC and CBD. If you’re looking for something quick, the more THC there is, the better.
Gravity bongs
Photo by Flickr user Vaping360
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Gravity bongs are another fast-acting way to consume cannabis. Because they’re water-based, it’s easier for people to breathe in more vapor, which tends to be thick and cloudy. There is also no burning sensation, which makes it easier and more comfortable for people to take really big hits.
Photo by Grav via Unsplash
Steamrollers are a type of whistle designed to get hit as quickly as possible. They are simple and usually consist of a pipe with a straightforward design that brings the smoke straight to you after you light your head. Steam rollers produce bigger puffs, which results in thicker blows.
For more information on marijuana highs, we recommend reading:
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