What are terpene pearls and why should you use them in your dabs?

The world of concentrates never surprises: there’s always something new to discover and try, especially if you’re looking to explore something particularly potent.

Lately, there’s something new that seasoned dabbers are using to maximize the efficiency of their dabs: terpene beads. These are small, usually around 4 to 6 mm in size. They are available in different materials:

Quartz: The most popular type of terpene pearl is quartz. It does a good job of thermoregulation and offers a fantastic flavor profile. They are also easy to clean, affordable and durable.

Ruby: Ruby terpene pearls are obviously more expensive, but well-suited to cannabis connoisseurs who enjoy the finer things in life. Ruby Werppearls are superior at handling heat, although they can be challenging to cool down and purify.

Ceramic: Just like quartz, ceramic terpene beads handle heat fairly well. However, due to their porous nature, they can be difficult to clean. Some dabbers still prefer ceramic terpene beads because they retain flavors well despite being fragile.

Borosilicate Glass: At the lower end of the price spectrum are borosilicate glass terpene beads. The downside is that they are not suitable for dabbing at high temperatures as they can warp or even melt. If you decide to use borosilicate glass terpene beads, do not heat them directly and handle them very carefully.

Silicon Carbide: Silicon carbide terpene beads provide excellent heat retention and can also withstand thermal shock. This makes them a versatile choice for any type of dabbing rib. They’re also a lot easier to clean with rubbing alcohol, a flashlight, or pretty much any other cleaning method.

Why should you add terpene beads to your dabs?

Terp pearls may look small and unobtrusive, but they actually do so much to enhance the dabbing experience. With minimal effort, simply adding terpene beads maximizes your concentrates by spinning around the banger as you inhale.

These little beads are placed in the bangers to avoid callbacks, but they also have many other important functions besides looking pretty cool while dabbing:

  • As they spin, they help spread your concentrates throughout the banger, resulting in a cloud size that allows you to vaporize most or all of it

  • Reduces residue

  • Helps you get the most out of the wax even at lower temperatures. They do this by allowing hot air to circulate evenly throughout the banger

  • Distributes heat evenly and helps you maintain the right dabbing temperature for a longer period of time

  • Prevents hot spots and cold spots

  • Preserves flavor and terpenes at low temperatures

Terpene beads can be used in both low and high temperature dabbing, although it should be said that terpene beads work best in low temperature dabbing.

When dabbing at low temperatures, terpene pearls do a good job of reducing cold spots and build-up. The cloud size can be increased based on the temperature of the banger, allowing you to use more concentrates efficiently. Meanwhile, terpene pearls can also maximize your high temperature dabbing experience by preventing cold spots as they allow all parts of the banger to be evenly heated while the concentrates vaporize. Concentrates are no longer wasted as there is no longer a burn in one area.

How to properly use terpene beads

Terpene beads are pretty easy to use: just drop two of them into the banger before you decide to heat them up. They should be placed on the underside of the nail while it is still at room temperature. Heat the nail and warp beads from below and once the temperatures have risen, wait for the nail to reach the desired temperature.

Once you have reached the desired temperature, use the tab tool to set the concentrate in place. Top it off with your carb box of choice – and there are plenty to choose from, although Vortex carbs are usually most dabbers’ favourites.

It’s time for you to inhale the powerful concentrate. As you inhale, the smoke from the carb cap hole will send the terpene beads swirling around as they do their job of diffusing concentrates and heat.

Clean Terp Pearls after use

Terp balls should be cleaned thoroughly after each use, just like any other tool you use. Routine cleaning after each dab session ensures the terpene balls rotate effortlessly, always giving you a fresh, delicious taste.

To start cleaning, it takes some elbow grease to remove the residue from the banger. Given the pearls’ small size, this can be a challenge, so handle them with care, especially when they’re still hot – while you can handle them with tweezers, it’s always best to let them cool first so you can don’t hurt yourself.

Use a cotton swab to gently scrub the beads and clean the underside of the banger. For stubborn residue, soak the beads in a bath of isopropyl solution for half an hour, then proceed with cleaning. Just be careful not to drip hot terpene beads into cold isopropyl alcohol, as this can ruin them.


Terp beads are a great way to up your dabbing game. They come in multiple options to suit all budgets and preferences, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t try them today.




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