What are heirloom marijuana strains exactly?

Simply put, an heirloom refers to a valuable object or artifact that has been passed down from one generation to the next over decades and centuries. Heirloom cannabis strains have also been passed down through the generations, but rather than being objects and artifacts, they refer to cannabis strains that have been around for a long time. These strains are revered and valued for their purity and historical value, hence the name.

This definition doesn’t capture everything about heirloom cannabis strains, so this article will focus on everything you need to know about these strains, how they differ from landrace strains, and their benefits.

Photo by Yash Lucid from Pexels

What are heirloom cannabis strains?

Heirloom cannabis strains are strains that have existed for many generations. However, that’s not the only thing that makes them unique. Heirloom cannabis strains differ from other cannabis strains because of the purity they offer. Unlike most cannabis strains, heirloom cannabis strains have never been crossed with any other strain, only existing in their pure, natural form. This unadulterated and unaltered state gives heirloom cannabis its status as a valuable strain.

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Heirloom cannabis strains grow through natural pollination by animals, wind, and humans. To better understand what heirloom cannabis strains are, we will outline the key characteristics of heirloom cannabis strains.

Characteristics of heirloom cannabis strains

Cannabis strains must exhibit these three characteristics to be considered heirloom cannabis strains:

generations: A characteristic of heirloom cannabis strains is that they have been around for generations. The time frame of their existence is the main reason why heirloom cannabis strains get their name. Longevity is therefore a very important trait of heirloom cannabis strains.

purity: It is not an heirloom cannabis strain if crossed with another strain. Heirloom cannabis strains have their pure genetics as one of their most important characteristics.

migration: Another important characteristic of heirloom cannabis strains is that they have been removed from their natural region to grow in a different area. Most heirloom cannabis strains have been transported from their original locations to a new geographic area by scientists and travelers.

Speaking of geographic location, it is necessary to discuss the difference between landrace strains and heirloom cannabis strains in order to fully understand what heirloom cannabis strains are.

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Landrace strains and heirloom cannabis strains

Heirloom cannabis strains and landrace strains are usually confused. Both terms are sometimes even used interchangeably which is very wrong as they are two different things. Landrace strains are strains that grow without human help, usually in the wild. Like heirloom cannabis strains, landrace strains are pure and have not been crossed with other strains. Landrace strains, like heirloom cannabis strains, have remained unchanged through generations.

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The main difference between landrace strains and heirloom cannabis strains is geography. Landrace strains grow naturally in specific regions, while heirloom cannabis strains come from seeds harvested from those native regions. This means that certain landrace strains are native to certain regions around the world. Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East are known to be the early origins of landrace strains.

Following the explanation above, heirloom cannabis strains can be described as landrace strains that have been removed from their natural region to be cultivated in a different region.

Why Heirloom Cannabis Strains Matter

There is a lot of speculation in cannabis culture that goes along with talk about the importance of heirloom cannabis strains. Below are three reasons why heirloom cannabis strains are very important.

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They come closest to landrace strains: As explained in this article, landrace strains are some of the oldest strains available in the world and have existed through different generations. This makes them sought after for their purity and unique flavor. When landrace strains aren’t available, heirloom cannabis strains come closest. In the event of certain landrace strains becoming extinct due to unexpected events such as war and natural disasters, heirloom cannabis strains of that strain brought to other regions will still be very readily available. Heirloom cannabis strains can therefore be considered custodians of some of the best native strains the world has ever seen.

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Crossbreeding cannabis doesn’t always produce the best results: Heirloom cannabis strains always share similar traits with their parent plants. This typically gives them an edge over crossbred strains, the results of which are usually unpredictable. When it comes to crossing, it is not always certain that 50/50 offspring will be achieved when an indica dominant strain is crossed with a sativa dominant strain. Some offspring often take on sativa-like qualities, while others take on indica-like qualities. It will then take years of backcrossing to achieve the desired result. The pure genetics of heirloom cannabis strains make them very stable and predictable when it comes to breeding.

Heirloom cannabis strains may contain more cannabinoids: Heirloom cannabis strains are thought to contain more beneficial compounds than hybrid strains. This claim can be backed up with an argument about the high levels of THC that new hybrid strains contain. The more THC these hybrid strains have, the better your high will feel. However, increased THC levels come at a price as it leads to depletion of other compounds such as cannabinoids and terpenes. Heirloom cannabis strains are therefore more natural and contain the best balance of compounds for your consumption.

bottom line

Heirloom cannabis strains have obvious advantages as they exist exactly as nature created them. Along with their rich history, these strains are among the most desirable of all strains known to man. Their unique and unadulterated formation of compounds also means that you can be sure that you are smoking healthy cannabis.

Trying out heirloom cannabis strains should definitely be at the top of every cannabis enthusiast’s bucket list!

This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and has been republished with permission.

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