We’re trying to breathe easier with Cough Shield
Try the cough suppressant herbal honey spray that every smoker’s dreams are made of
It’s noisy. It’s unflattering. It draws attention in the wrong way. No, it’s not your least favorite shirt, it’s your weed cough – and it’s time it went away.
If you prefer to inhale your weed, either by smoking or vaping, then you’re probably familiar with the inconvenience of going into a hacking fit when trying to hit a big hit. Society smokers know the embarrassment of coughing better than anyone in a group, and avoid pitying looks while trying to keep both lungs in your chest. A persistent cough can turn even a weed lover away from smoking altogether.
Cough Shield is running a BOGO introductory offer! Get an incredible 440 servings for just $29.95.
Relief for cough-prone smokers, vapers and dabbers is finally on the horizon thanks to Cough Shield, a groundbreaking honey-based herbal supplement. All-natural Cough Shield promises to virtually eliminate the urge to cough when smoking cannabis, making your sessions more comfortable while sparing your lungs and throat from aggravation. All you need is a pump of great-tasting Cough Shield before your hit and you’re free to smoke or vape, with much less irritation and coughing.
Cough Shield isn’t just a cough drop, it’s been specially formulated for cannabis users to enjoy their weed without the scratchy consequences. The magical combination of honey and herbs envelops the mouth and throat, calms the body and suppresses the urge to cough. This improves your sessions, making your weed go longer and appear softer.
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The folks at Cough Shield are so confident in their creation that not only have they given this writing team a sample to test, they’re also offering a BOGO introductory offer on their product. Just visit their website and get two bottles for the price of one. We’ll share what we thought of Cough Shield in a moment, but first let’s take a look at how Cough Shield was developed.
A labor of love
Cough Shield is the brainchild of Monika (Moni) Schifler, a herbalist living in upstate New York with her partner Roberto Azank. Roberto, an artist, smoked cigarettes and cannabis for many years, which irritated his throat and lungs. This left Roberto with a chronic cough that made it almost impossible to smoke cannabis. For a true canasseur like Roberto, that was a real blow.
Image courtesy of Cough Shield.
Luckily, Moni is an expert in all manner of natural remedies – you should try her much-touted super herb – and set out to use her impressive knowledge of organic healing methods to help Roberto enjoy cannabis again. After over a year of experimentation, Cough Shield was born.
“I solve problems with herbs. That’s just how I think.”
Moni Schifler
You won’t find anything suspicious or overworked in Cough Shield; There are only five active ingredients that combine like Captain Planet to give you the relief you need. All-natural honey, the go-to sore throat remedy, forms the cornerstone of Cough Shield and is responsible for its sweet taste. The honey coats the mouth and throat, creating a protective barrier between the smoke and sensitive tissues. A dynamic duo of medicinal herbs, slippery elm and marshmallow root that work together to suppress the urge to cough in the lungs and diaphragm. Then there’s MCT coconut oil, a special ingredient commonly used in many THC and CBD tinctures that is said to enhance the potency of THC. The final ingredient in Cough Shield is glycerin, which serves to bind these disparate elements together into an easy-to-swallow solution. And that’s all – Moni, the medical expert, has managed to virtually eliminate the urge to cough using ingredients one would most often find in a home garden.
Study shows one joint a day has had no impact on lung health for 20 years
This all sounds pretty good… but does it work? This team was keen to put Cough Shield through its paces, so read on to find out how our lungs held up.
Round one: sneeze guard against vapes
Image courtesy of Cough Shield.
After opening our sample pack, Christmas morning style, this author shook the bottle well, popped a bowl of Super Lemon Haze into his dry herb vaporizer, and got to work. Cough Shield comes in a durable, palm-sized bottle that easily fits in a purse, backpack, or pocket. It’s pre-metered, so we only needed one pump to get ready for our first hit. We were expecting Cough Shield to taste like honey, but what surprised us was the serum’s lack of viscosity. It was easy to swallow leaving only a subtle aftertaste, a completely different experience than swallowing a spoonful of pure honey.
reader, wow. We can faithfully report that this author has had hits that left him gasping for air. Even with a fresh head at the vaporizer’s maximum settings, a staggering 210 degrees Celsius, this writer breathed easily and flew up. He had a similar experience puffing on a cartridge of Zookies; The session was completely free of throat irritation and bad punches that led to coughing fits.
Winner: Cough Shield
Round two: Cough Shield vs. Bongs
Image courtesy of Cough Shield.
For our next test, our author assembled a panel of serious canasseurs and casual smokers to see how Cough Shield would hold up in a social smoking situation. Armed with a trusty bong, a quarter ounce of Leafly’s 2020 Strain of the Year Runtz, and a few bottles of Cough Shield, our team lit up.
“One pump, end of story. Then you draw and you are beautiful.”
Roberto Azank
Just like with his solo vape test, our author experienced a huge decrease in his cough and no notable throat or lung irritation when smoking from a bong. The other members of the social team also felt significantly relieved. Some only needed a single dose of Cough Shield for the entire session, while others (including the author) found they had to reapply Cough Shield after three to four hits.
One of Cough Shield’s greatest benefits, and one of the characteristics that raise the serum to an essential level, is how seamlessly it fits into group smoking rituals. With Cough Shield, we didn’t have to take a break to allow a less experienced member to recover from a coughing fit; we just pumped, puffed, puffed and passed.
Winner: Cough Shield
Round three: sneeze guard against joints
Image courtesy of Cough Shield.
The final round would be the ultimate test for Cough Shield: a pair of Sour Diesel Pre-Rolls. In the past, this writer tended to avoid joints because Cough Shield was designed to avoid irritation of the throat, so he was curious to see if Cough Shield could continue his winning streak.
With just a few pumps of Cough Shield, our joint-scared author was able to smoke freely again without irritating his throat or lungs, and puff proudly to the roach.
Winner: Cough Shield
And there you have it folks, a perfect 3-0 for Cough Shield, the all-natural phenomenon that will shake up smoking and vaping. This herbal remedy for cannabis cough is available now for only $29.95 with a BOGO introductory offer. At around 220 servings per bottle, that means you can enhance your sessions for as little as 7 cents per pump. That’s an insanely low price for the relief Cough Shield provides, so don’t wait. Get your Cough Shield now and return to sweet, sweet smoothness in your sessions.
Visit the Cough Shield website to learn more about Cough Shield’s all-natural ingredients, read testimonials and frequently asked questions. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with the latest news.
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