Video game streaming platform Twitch is rolling out new policies banning cannabis sponsorships

Video game streaming platform Twitch, which was acquired by Amazon in 2014, recently released an update to its branded content policy that includes a ban on sponsoring cannabis products or brands.

First, on June 6, Twitch released new rules for branded content. It banned “burned-in” logos on streamer videos and ads. The announcement drew strong criticism from Twitch streamers, who expressed their opinion on how the change would affect their ability to maintain direct relationships with sponsors.

On June 7, Twitch released a statement stating that the guidelines would be removed. “Yesterday we released new branded content policies that impact your ability to work with sponsors to grow your streaming revenue. These policies are bad for you and bad for Twitch and we are removing them immediately,” Twitch wrote on Twitter. “…We missed the mark in drafting the policy and will be restating the policy to make it clearer. Thank you for letting us know your concerns and we appreciate your feedback. We will notify the community once we update the language.”

Twitch’s current Branded Content Policy explains that branded content is defined as “streamers who offer products or services based on value for money, such as B. paying for or receiving goods or services.” This ranges from product placements, endorsements, channel sponsorships and more. Among the prohibited product categories, Twitch describes that it does not allow services that violate its community guidelines, such as B. risky gambling products, unauthorized disclosure of private information, and “illegal products and services such as selling, advertising, etc. Trafficking in drugs, firearms, counterfeit goods, or other illegal goods and services.”

It also mentions that streamers are not allowed to offer sponsored content that includes guns, adult items, tobacco products, political content, and “cannabis-related products, including e-cigarettes and delivery.”

According to content creator JimTanna, who streams on Twitch and posts videos on YouTube, the issue at issue was mention of a ban on cannabis sponsorship, which still allowed alcohol brand sponsorship. “But what’s weird and what’s allowed – you can still advertise alcohol. I just don’t understand what the hell is going on. We can advertise alcohol, but we can’t advertise legal cannabis?” said JimTanna. “…Let the content creators live. Let’s smoke our weed. Let’s promote the products.”

Although Twitch announced that it would not implement its proposed policy, it still sent out an email urging all Twitch partners to sign the updated agreement by the “effective date of the next contract” that includes the updated policies for branded content. If they choose not to accept the Terms, their “current contract” will end and their status as a Twitch Partner will be reduced to “Twitch Partner” until they choose to accept the terms of the contract. Should they attempt to leave the platform entirely to stream on a competing streaming platform, an affiliate would be forced to pay Twitch $25 to do so.

JimTanna adds that these new rules do not prevent streamers from freely smoking in their streams, but are specifically aimed at sponsoring cannabis-related products.

Previously, in February 2022, Twitch made additional changes to prevent usernames related to “hard drugs, recreational drugs, and substance abuse,” with the exception of “alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana.” Amazon itself has already taken steps to update its guidelines on drug testing in September 2021, and also lobbied to support federal cannabis legalization in January 2022.

In recent years, other companies have updated their cannabis policies. Twitter has recently refined its policies, such as allowing cannabis-related advertising, including THC and CBD. Apple removed and banned vape apps from the iOS Store back in November 2019, but an update in 2021 ended all bans preventing cannabis companies from conducting business through the App Store.

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