VCBC Denied Exemption – Cannabis | weed | marijuana
Health Canada has denied special exemption status to the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club (VCBC), negatively impacting medical cannabis patients. It took the federal health bureaucracy two years to come to that decision.
Meanwhile, VCBC has picked up $6.5 million in fines from British Columbia’s extrajudicial Gestapo Community Safety Unit.
In a May 30 letter to VCBC, David Pellmann, an “acting general manager,” wrote:
I contend that you have not demonstrated that the proposed exceptions are necessary for any medical or scientific purpose or are otherwise in the public interest, given the objectives of the Cannabis Act (the Act) and the existing licensing and medical access framework.
Translated: We have defined “public interest” and the VCBC does not align with our personal interests and institutional agendas.
VCBC’s denied exemption is criminal
I contend that Health Canada does not understand the fundamental economics of cannabis. And the letter sent to VCBC confirms this.
Pelman writes:
In addition, you indicated that an exemption allowing the manufacture and sale of edible cannabis products that exceed the 10mg THC limit would benefit people using cannabis for medicinal purposes. However, not enough evidence or additional information has been provided to support why such an exemption is needed, given that multiple units of the same cannabis product can be consumed to achieve the desired effect.
It’s incredible that someone thought of this, wrote it, edited it, and sent it off. Being an author myself, I understand that typos can occur. Editors don’t always notice mistakes. But this is a glaring flaw in their logic.
If a 10mg cookie costs $25 and a medicinal cannabis patient needs 100mg a day for pain relief, they’re spending $250 a day, almost $2,000 a week. Keep in mind that many of these people have a steady income and are unable to work because of their illness.
VCBC’s denied release letter stands,
In addition, insufficient evidence has been presented that currently available edible cannabis products are insufficient to meet the medical needs of people using cannabis for medicinal purposes, or that other ingestible cannabis products with higher THC limits, such as encapsulated extracts and Tinctures cannot be used as an alternative to edible cannabis.
The first part of this quote shows again why politically networked bureaucracies should not issue rules and regulations. We already have laws in place to regulate goods and services in an economy.
Our common law tradition encourages innovation while protecting the rights of individuals. Until lawmakers stepped in in the “public interest,” common law even prevented companies from polluting the air.
When considering why patients cannot purchase other products with higher THC limits—like extracts and tinctures—consider the ingredients and bioavailability of different cannabis products.
The exemption letter denied by VCBC does not address bioavailability
A 2012 study examined the bioavailability of different delivery systems. They found that oral consumption had a bioavailability of about 6%. That means you’re probably only consuming 20mg of cannabinoids with that 300mg capsule.
Smoking and vaping naturally have the highest bioavailability at 31%. While consumption of cannabinoids is a slow process, the further the cannabis passes through your digestive tract, the more of them will be absorbed.
With a higher bioavailability than extracts, cannabis edibles are the best remedy for medical patients. Also remember that food tastes good.
Cannabis companies often dilute extracts in MCT oil or olive oil. If you try to mask the taste by mixing it with a drink, you lower the bioavailability even further.
If you’re consuming hundreds of milligrams of cannabis extract daily, you’re also consuming a lot of saturated fats. Not everyone can tolerate high fat intake — especially in the form of oil. Some people do better on a carbohydrate-based diet.
Health Canada apparently denies the existence of these people.
VCBC denied exemption? I’ll see you in court
Press for Truth’s Dan Dicks interviews Kirk Tousaw
Health Canada has denied VCBC exemption status – time for the lawyers.
“We look forward to bringing our case to justice to prove that Health Canada’s unacceptable medical cannabis program continues to violate the fundamental rights and freedoms of sick and dying Canadians,” Ted Smith wrote in an email.
“Attorneys Jack Lloyd and Kirk Tousaw have been preparing for years to convince a judge that an exemption is in the public interest, especially as the opiate crisis continues to spiral out of control.”
Of course, the Supreme Court can accept Health Canada’s decision that VCBC’s denied exemption is in the “public interest.”
Just as they decided that Canadians are not entitled to private health care. Or that left-wing extremist ideologies are “public interest”.
Or that the ban on house cultivation in Quebec is justified.
A forgotten part of history is how lawyers, judges, and law firms coped with Nazi Germany. They were able to justify Hitler’s actions with their interpretations of the “rule of law”.
As legal scholar John Hasnas has argued, “The law is always open to interpretation and there is no such thing as a normatively neutral interpretation.” How someone interprets the rules of the law is always determined by the underlying moral and political beliefs. “
If the Supreme Court rejects the VCBC’s argument, it will be the opinion of nine unelected “experts.” Civil disobedience is still justified. And it might be the only option.
Is CLN also breaking the law?
Although there is a medicinal cannabis program. Although “reasonable access” to medicinal cannabis is a protected charter right. And despite the plethora of randomized controlled trials demonstrating the effectiveness of cannabis, promoting cannabis for health reasons is against the law, according to Health Canada.
The VCBC Denial Waiver Letter states:
We would like to remind you that the ban on medical claims related to cannabis products is not limited to provincial or territorial authorized stores. According to sub-section 104.12(1) of the Cannabis Regulations, it is prohibited to advertise cannabis, a cannabis-related accessory or a cannabis-related service if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the advertisement might give the impression that health or Cosmetic benefits could arise from using the product. This provision of the Regulation applies regardless of whether the cannabis is intended for medicinal purposes.
So does that mean we’re breaking the law here at CLN too? In Trudeau’s Canada, it’s obvious that we need to restrict our free speech for “public health and safety” reasons. Which, by the way, is in line with the interests of companies and the state.
Canadians have a moral obligation to disregard unjust laws. This also includes educating patients about medicinal cannabis.
And not just physically ill patients. Someone suffering from mental health issues might want to learn about double-blind, placebo-controlled studies showing how cannabis helps relieve anxiety.
Health Canada doesn’t care about you
Treating cannabis as a scourge of society (while handing out free opioids and turning a blind eye to alcohol companies that target teens) is just another reason to ignore Health Canada.
Six million Canadians (a third of us) do not have access to a family doctor. But what is the Canadian health authority focusing on? Fighting “white supremacy” and “capitalism”.
Canada is experiencing a Maoist cultural revolution. federal bureaucrats doesn’t matter about medical cannabis patients.
Perhaps some of us can relocate (with consent) to a First Nation reservation where cannabis, individual rights, traditions and the environment are respected. Of course, the Gestapo’s Community Safety Unit still conducts raids on reserves. And the reserves are technically owned by the federal government.
So maybe it’s time for cannabis culture and the land back movement to unite. There is strength in numbers.
Cannabis is a gateway drug to freedom and wealth. It has health and therapeutic benefits. Industrial hemp can save the world.
Throughout history, individuals and small groups have launched broader movements. The legalization of cannabis is proof of that.
And it all started with disobeying unjust laws.
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