Vaping and Smoking | show
Ever since vaping weed became popular, the debate over which method is more effective has raged among marijuana lovers everywhere.
For many marijuana lovers, pulling out a vape pen is preferable to rolling up joints or blunts for a variety of reasons. Vaping is often more convenient and discreet than smoking weed. Studies have also shown that vapes result in a better high than traditional methods of smoking weed.
There are still many marijuana enthusiasts who dislike vaping simply because it offers a different high than smoking. There are many reasons for this, which we will examine in this article.
Combustion destroys terpenes
There are a multitude of Terpenes in Cannabis that have a profound impact on how cannabis lovers feel when using them. When people decide to vape marijuana, they are more likely to notice the flavor profiles of different strains since the terpenes are not burned. This means that when vaping, flavor hunters are better able to find a strain that suits their palate.
The combustion that occurs when a bowl or joint is lit burns off the terpenes that provide flavor. Combustion also destroys a number of cannabinoids that give the strains distinctive properties.
Vaporizing allows cannabis enthusiasts to control the temperature of their gear, meaning it’s easier to preserve the nuances that cannabis strains can offer. This is one of the main reasons that vaping marijuana often feels different than traditional smoking methods.
Vaping offers a purer high
Another reason the vape experience differs from traditional smoking is that it does not contain any harmful chemicals associated with smoking. This is probably one of the reasons why vaping makes pot lovers seem more energetic. It’s not uncommon for people to spend the rest of the day on the couch smoking a joint or blunt. Vaping offers a cleaner, healthier way to have a productive day while still enjoying marijuana the way you desire throughout the day.
More THC enters the bloodstream
One of the main reasons vapes offer a different experience than smoking is the amount of THC that enters the bloodstream when vaping.
Vaping and smoking allow THC to enter the bloodstream directly through the lungs. At least that’s what recent studies have shown Vaping can result in higher levels of THC in the blood compared to smoking.
In one study, participants each received 25 milligrams of THC for vaping and 25 milligrams of THC for smoking.
The 25 mg THC group had a so-called “more significant drug effect” when vaping compared to smoking. This helps explain why vaping marijuana can get people higher than traditional smoking.
The science behind why vapes produce a stronger high more effectively than smoking is still in its early stages, but the evidence so far is compelling.
So the next time someone tries to describe why vaping isn’t as effective as regular smoking methods like bongs, pipes, and blunts, you can disagree with that informed answer.
Fifth Ave Green House recently launched some new vapes for 2022 that are perfect for vaping on the go.
The Fifth Ave Green House Seahorse Pro Plus:
This next generation Seahorse Pro Plus is an electronic nectar collector for wax concentrates and extracts. This dab straw has three temperature settings and a session mode function that is easy to use.
Fifth Ave Green House Swordfish:
The Fifth Ave Green House Swordfish Wax Pen is a portable wax concentrate vaporizer.
The clamshell lick mount means loading this vaporizer is super easy, and it even has a hidden dab tool tucked into its base.
It uses a 710 thread connection and comes with a porous quartz bucket. Depending on your preference, there are three different bucket options to choose from.
Fifth Ave Green House Unicorn Mini:
The Unicorn Mini is one of the most portable electric dab rigs available today.
This mini e-rig has a compact design and fits comfortably in your hand. It comes with 710 threaded coils, and the built-in 1900mAh battery packs a punch. It can perform up to 100 session mode heating cycles on a single charge, making it the best portable electric dab rig.
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