Tired all the time? Here’s what could happen
We all go through moments in life when we feel too tired and lacking in energy. Fatigue is one of the most common feelings people report regardless of their age. About a third of people report that they experience it on a regular basis.
Sleep problems affect a large proportion of people and have a significant impact on our health. These problems can be difficult to manage, perhaps because they mirror our overall lifestyle. Sleep can be affected by stress, diet, and activity. To improve it, go from the ground up and analyze the various factors that can get out of whack and lead to sleep problems.
Here are 4 factors that can contribute to your fatigue:
You are not getting enough sleep
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
While it’s obvious, sometimes the reason you feel tired is because you aren’t getting enough sleep. Many people prefer things other than sleep and get less than seven or eight hours a night. While getting the recommended amount of sleep is sometimes not an option, you should do your best to develop a healthy and functioning bedtime routine, where you go to bed at relatively the same time each night to ensure quality sleep . This makes for a restful feeling the next morning and only occurs if you have been sleeping continuously for long periods of time.
You are eating the wrong foods
Photo by Artem Labunsky via Unsplash
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What you eat and drink can affect your sleep and whether you feel active or not. People with certain food allergies may feel more tired than normal or have headaches and other symptoms that make them lethargic. Consuming too many energy drinks can also backfire and make you tired in the long run. They will help you feel a quick, sharp burst of energy, but once the caffeine or sugar wears off, a rebound effect is likely to occur.
Your life could be too sedentary
Photo from rawpixel.com
A sedentary lifestyle can increase your exhaustion. Fortunately, small changes in your daily life can have a positive effect on your activity level. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator and adding a daily walk will make you feel more energetic and feel stronger and healthier.
Too much stress
Photo by Christian Erfurt via Unsplash
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Chronic stress can affect many aspects of your life, including your energy levels. A study conducted on college students showed that participants’ bodies were depleted as a defense mechanism when exposed to high levels of stress. There’s no direct way to relieve stress, but learning coping mechanisms to deal with it could lead to less fatigue in the long run.
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