This simple habit can help you become a happier, more successful person

We live in an overworked culture. Having multiple jobs and working hard is praised and valued more than having free time and enjoying other parts of your life. While work is necessary to make and live money, our culture’s obsession with it is a major problem. It makes us frustrated as if we are not as good as other people, but also exhausted and exhausted when we adhere to these limiting standards.

We seldom talk about the benefits of relaxation. Habits like afternoon naps, breaks between tasks, or just a moment for ourselves in the middle of our work day can lift our spirits and help us be more productive in the long run. While not all of us have access to a bed or couch in the middle of the day, a large percentage of us can take five minutes to relax.

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Photo by Annie Spratt via Unsplash

What you do during those five minutes is entirely up to you, whether you close your eyes and meditate or take a deep breath, but the benefits are all the same; If you use this time to relax and slow down the flow of thoughts in your brain, you will likely experience benefits such as increased productivity and creativity.

For the best results possible, try to take your relaxation time as seriously as possible. Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and set a timer for five minutes. Get into a comfortable position, whether you are sitting or lying down, close your eyes and take a deep breath, focusing on the movement of your body. If this is a challenge for you, try a guided meditation app that can make the process more targeted.

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If you’re not actively trying to relax, you can also daydream and let your head run free for a moment to think about what to think about. Daydreams are usually filled with whatever your brain is doing and give you a way to process all of your emotions and stressors.

You will find that when you have work afterwards or do something creative for yourself, be it writing, painting or drawing, that you probably have creative solutions and ideas for your problems.

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