This is how you’ll know when it’s time to get rid of marijuana
According to all data, marijuana is the most popular drug in the world. Some of the latest statistics show that there are around 35 million regular users in the United States. It’s an impressive number too, considering that weed is still illegal in most of the country. Currently, around 36 states have legalized it for medical use, while 18 (plus DC) have improved the concept and legalized it for adults 21 and older.
No matter how you cut it open, there are a ton of people who smoke marijuana here in the land of the free, some of whom, unfortunately, could become victims. Because even though marijuana addiction affects only around 9% of users, it still means that millions of people will have problems in their private lives because of cannabis.
Unfortunately, the toll will only rise as marijuana use becomes more common in post-legalization areas. For those of you worried about falling into this category, here are three signs that it is time to give up marijuana.
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Legal issues over marijuana
People who have problems with substance abuse almost always encounter the wrath of law enforcement at some point. In a marijuana situation, the user may be arrested for weed during a traffic stop or found busted after visiting a neighborhood street vendor. Even in legal states where cannabis users can walk into a pharmacy and purchase the herb with a credit card swipe, there is plenty of room for anger.
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Cannabis users could find themselves in front of a judge for foul-ups such as stoned driving, property violations, and other misdemeanors – all of which come with their own troubles and hardships. If marijuana-related legal issues become a regular occurrence in a person’s life, especially in states where it’s legal, it’s a pretty solid indication that the herb is taking up too much space in their world. After all, most cannabis users never end up in court for this.
School work suffers
Marijuana is fast becoming more popular than alcohol in universities. Some believe this is because students try to make healthier choices during times of intoxication. This shift is just one of the reasons alcohol sales are reportedly starting to decline in the United States. But just as alcohol is known to cause problems for students – being late for class, failing classes, losing scholarships, etc. – marijuana can have a similar effect for some.
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Most students have no problem completing their school duties because of their affinity for weed. But when they do, it can be clear that their focus is not exactly where it needs to be successful in school. It could start with being late for class and then suddenly not showing up at all. Perhaps their commitment to the Doobie could even lead to disciplinary action. All of these things can be signs that cannabis is too prevalent in a young person’s life.
Problems at work
For some, this is exactly what the doctor gets stoned after a long day at work. Marijuana is known for its ability to relieve anxiety, reduce stress, and simply get the user into the right headspace to forget about the job for a while. Very rarely does this use affect a person’s ability to work. But it is not beyond the imagination that a person would want to experience the feel-good effects of the herb more than just after the day is over. These people could use cannabis before work and even during work hours. Of course, in most cases, marijuana use in the workplace will not be tolerated.
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Standing up high can come with its own fair share of problems. It is also possible that excessive cannabis use could affect a person’s productivity, make them a target of disciplinary action, or possibly even lead them into unemployment. Any person willing to risk a living to stay high may need to reevaluate everything.
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