This is how you make sure your vape is safe
Vaping is popularly considered to be the lesser evil for all cannabis users around the world. However, nothing can be one hundred percent certain.
Nowadays the market is littered with different types of vaporizers with different atomizers and cartridges. Unsurprisingly, choosing a vape could pose a dilemma for both customers and canna entrepreneurs – especially new investors.
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Safety is the most important thing to look out for
Not all vapes have the same level of security. Some are safer than others. Thanks to the ever-advancing technology, many unique types of vapes have been created. Most brands prefer to profit over the health of their customers, which is why you should always check the components of your vaporizer before buying, including:
Silicone seals are the best quality. These seals maintain low odor, high flexibility, low molding pressures, minimal toxicity and very low leaching properties. They have the ability to offer both low and high temperatures.
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The function of the seal in a vape is to prevent leakage of the vaporized cannabis while securing the other components in their proper places.
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These silicone seals are also of different types. Each has a useful temperature which ranged from -55 ° C to 200 ° C.
Cartridge tube
This component has the largest surface area that comes into contact with the extract. It’s more or less the most important aspect of the vape; One more reason why you should always check how it is doing in the healthy area.
When buying a valve, you need to know the material that the cartridge tube is made of.
One of the safest materials to use for this tube is glass – fused silica. This glass can withstand temperatures of up to 1,100 ° C. In addition, it cannot be depleted. This material is also popular because it is used to stir nuclear waste.
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Glass is an inert material that is not dangerous. In fact, the heating material does not consist entirely of fused borosilicate quartz, but of ceramic or aluminum and is then refined with the glass material because of its non-leaching properties.
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In addition to the safe heating properties, they also preserve the aromas of the extracts and improve the quality of the inhaled performance.
If you find the cartridge tube is made of polycarbonate materials, do not make a purchase. These plastic materials can leach out basic products at very high temperatures. Poses a very high health risk for users.
Kitchen sink
Have you ever wondered where the “vaporization” takes place in a vape? It’s in the reel here.
When voltage is passed through the device, the heater will provide a certain temperature. This heat reaches the already absorbed oil in the wick material and vaporizes it into an aerosol.
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All materials used in this coil must be made of a uniform material and the purity of these materials must be checked.
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Cartridge cotton
This is the non-woven viscose that creates the rocking effect of the bobbins.
The cotton absorbs the extract and transports it to the core of the cartridge in record time. When inspecting the cotton, make sure that the material used never reaches burning temperatures during use.
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Also check that the core of the cartridge is made of ceramic, as this will allow for faster absorption of the extract.
This is the component that comes in contact with the mouth. The inner mouthpiece is most likely to be leached out if the material used is not suitable for harsh temperatures.
The brass alloy called H59 is widely used in most of the vapes on the market. There is a misconception that this material is lead free. H59 contains a small amount of lead of just over 2%. Manufacturers sometimes use other brass alloys kike H59-B1 and B2, but these can also be leached – they contain 0.05% lead.
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The healthiest material that can be used to make the inner mouthpiece is 304 grade medical grade stainless steel. This material has been shown to contain no lead. Also, make sure that the material used in finishing materials can also contain lead. Don’t buy vapes that have been electroplated with gold or black.
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Mind your steam
Initial Burn Down: This is the process of heating an empty vape to burn off gas, residual oils, and any form of factory debris that remains.
In order to keep your vape in a healthy state, I would suggest that you go through a burn off cycle every time you clean your vape. This would ensure that there was no residue of cleaning solution in your vapes. Inhaling these solutions can have negative effects on your health.
A process called “outgassing” occurs during a burn cycle.
This is a brief moment when vapor is released from the unsuitable materials in a vape. This event can produce toxins or harmful chemicals. The more this happens with a vape, the more reasons you should replace the vape. It indicates that very good materials were used in the manufacture of the vape product.
Failure to observe this degassing effect can cause more harm to the user. It is commonly said that it is better to smoke than to use a vape that is constantly degassing.
Keep in mind
High quality vapes with healthy components are not always as expensive as expensive vapes are not always of the best quality.
Using a price tag to determine how safe a vape is can be a costly and expensive mistake. Instead of leaving it to chance, check out the components for yourself. Find and buy the safest vape you can find.
This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and was republished with permission.
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