This alcoholic drink may have some beauty benefits, study results

A new study will please those of us looking for more ways to improve our skin, especially those who love beer. Researchers in Italy found that a wide variety of elements found in craft beer could have some benefits for our skin due to their antioxidant effects.

The study, carried out by various researchers from the University of Camerino and the University of Bologna, is based on the fact that a high percentage of craft beers are made from ingredients such as hops, malt and yeast and therefore likely a good amount of antioxidants. Researchers theorized that these elements could be healthy to maintain skin and prevent premature aging.

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Photo by Elevate via Unsplash

The study published in the journal Cosmetics found that their theory is correct. The beers in question demonstrated “the ability to improve mitochondrial activity and prevent oxidative stress,” two traits common to skin aging. The researchers concluded that “Waste from artisanal beers can be an interesting source of phenols for making anti-aging cosmetics for the skin.”

Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that drinking craft beer can prevent aging and make your skin more beautiful. However, it does not refute this theory, which should be adhered to for the next beer.

While we can’t say for sure that drinking beer is good for your skin, there are a variety of foods and beverages that are beneficial for your skin when consumed. Healthline mentions foods like oily fish and avocados, which can help keep skin hydrated and malleable, prevent inflammation, and help maintain collagen levels, a key element in maintaining healthy skin.

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Aside from the interest of this study, research shows that experts are considering natural foods, ingredients, and organic elements for the benefit of our skin and that in a few years’ time these could be added to skin care products to help us nourish our skin at healthy and natural skin Way.

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