These drivers test positive for marijuana more than any other substance

Professional drivers are more likely to test positive for marijuana than any other drug, according to a recent report by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

It’s a problem that many freight forwarders and courier companies are grappling with as parts of the United States have become legal. However, state restrictions make pot testing a big, fat no-go for business license holders (CDL). As a result, drivers can expect numerous consequences if they fail a drug test.

Photo by Jed Villejo via Unsplash

During the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) online Federal Forum Plus conference last November, attendees were shown statistics showing that marijuana is the number one substance to look out for in drug testing for truckers . The data shows that 98% of all positive drug tests in the first half of 2020 were related to drugs rather than alcohol – a completely legal substance. Only 892 CDL holders failed because of alcohol. Meanwhile, more than half (52%) of the 40,433 tests showed a positive result for marijuana.

If a CDL holder fails a Department of Transportation (DOT) -required drug test, they could be in big trouble. They may be forced to participate in a drug and alcohol program and take a return to duty test, including a drug test, before being allowed to drive again. From there, the driver could undergo at least six random drug tests and take additional drug classes and jump through extra tires over the next five years to keep working.

Fortunately, a CDL holder doesn’t run the risk of losing their license due to a failed drug test – at least not the first. But repeated violations could enable the driver to withdraw his / her license. And yes, that even includes professional drivers who live in legal marijuana states. With the herb still banned at the federal level, the FMCSA is not changing its anti-drug policy.

It can’t.

“The bottom line for CDL holders is that you are not allowed to use marijuana, even though there are states that allow people to use marijuana for recreational purposes.” called Larry Minor, Assistant Policy Administrator for the FMCSA.

These drivers test positive for marijuana more than any other substancePhoto by Josiah Farrow via Unsplash

It should be noted that there is likely no influx of truck drivers driving up. About half of the failed drug tests were detected during the hiring phase. Here an applicant has to pee in a mug to be considered for the job. Another 13,340 were random drug screenings. Around 1,700 failed drug tests were found after an accident, several hundred of which were discovered during return tests. Harder illegal drugs were also found.

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Will high driving still become an issue that society has to take seriously? The data on this issue is mixed.

Some studies show that there has been no increase in stoned driving since states began legalizing marijuana. But much of that research came when states first experimented with legal weed. Since then, has other research demonstrated that high driving is widespread in parts of the country.

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The problem is, there is no device to measure the effects of marijuana. Some bumps may affect people who weren’t actually stoned at the time of a traffic stop or accident. To better monitor marijuana poisoning on the streets of America, science must first develop a practical tool (like the breathalyzer) for law enforcement purposes.

However, CDL holders will need the federal government to change the law before taking a break.

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