There’s no evidence that smoking weed is occasionally harmful, says the top federal drug official

By Nina Zdinjak

The director of the National Institute On Drug Abuse (NIDA) Dr. Nora Volkow recently discussed the pros and cons of cannabis use in an interview with FiveThirtyEight.

“There is no evidence to my knowledge that occasionally [adult] Marijuana use has harmful effects. I am not aware of any scientific evidence for this. I don’t think it was evaluated, ”said Volkow, who is a psychiatrist. “We have to test it.”

Photo by Drew Angerer / Getty Images

Volkow reiterated, however, that she is “absolutely” concerned about higher marijuana use and that more frequent (daily) use can have “harmful effects even on the adult brain” in the long run.

On the other hand, Volkow noted that there are potential “benefits” of cannabis use, such as a lower BMI. “BMI is lower in marijuana users, and that was very surprising, yet we know that high BMI can have negative effects, especially as we age,” she said. “So we have to study it.” The BMI refers to the body mass index, a measure of body fat based on height and weight.

Lack of Research – Public Health Concern

These new comments from the NIDA director mark an important milestone and provide positive points for advocates supporting marijuana reform, especially given NIDA’s years of efforts to uncover potential risks of cannabis use.

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That doesn’t mean Volkow is in favor of legalizing cannabis, but she did highlight an important point: more research is needed. That view is in line with NIDA’s recent report to a member of Congress that noted that List 1 status of marijuana prevents and discourages studies of potential harm and benefits, wrote Marijuana Moment.

Smoking marijuanaPhoto by Jamie Grill / Getty Images

The report also found that the existing limitations of scientific research on cannabinoids are practically a public health problem.

Volkow pointed to the risks marijuana use poses for teenagers and pregnant women, but continued to stress that legalizing cannabis has not increased teenage use as it had previously believed.

Stigma: Thanks to the government, one of the biggest obstacles remains

In an article Volkow wrote in November, the NIDA director said that “stigma remains one of the major obstacles to dealing with the current American drug crisis,” and that the government has a responsibility to maintain that stigma.

RELATED: 6 Ways to Tell If You’re a committed marijuana user

“Government policies, including criminal action, often reflect – and add to – stigma,” Volkow wrote on the Association of American Medical Colleges website.

“When we punish people who use drugs for an addiction, we suggest that their use is more a character defect than a medical condition. And when we imprison addicts, we reduce their access to treatment and exacerbate the personal and social consequences of their substance use. “

This article originally appeared on Benzinga and was republished with permission.

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