There are 17,000 medical marijuana patients in the UK and many of them still use the illegal weed market?
It is currently estimated that 17,000 people in the UK have legally obtained cannabis to treat a variety of conditions including chronic pain, depression, insomnia and Parkinson’s. But many people continue to use the black market, either because they are unaware of the 2018 change in the law or because drugs are not available in their location.
Recently, a South Wales mother-of-one with Crohn’s disease described how she barely had enough energy to look after her child when she decided to acquire the plant illegally. She claims her stomach pain and agony was relieved with cannabis and she now has a legal prescription. This allows her to be more active, work and spend time with her family.
Many people like this woman see the black market as a savior and risk their health to buy untested products.
Many Brits resort to the Black Cannabis Market due to limited access
Cooking cannabis into brownies, according to a naturopathic expert with clinical research experience, significantly reduced a British father’s Parkinson’s-related symptoms and improved his sleep.
A North London DJ and director, who previously battled the rare disease Hodgkin’s lymphoma, described how access to the medicine reduced her agony. It turned out to be even more crucial after chemotherapy damaged her hip bones, causing misery and necessitating a replacement.
All of these people have one thing in common: although they researched the medicinal benefits of cannabis, it took them some time to realize that it has been legal in their jurisdiction since 2018.
In an interview with Metro.co.uk, Sam Ashton, 50, and her 15-year-old daughter Ariana said cannabis has allowed her to enjoy family life again. Although many still face obstacles, the legislation was changed this year due to parents of severely epileptic children who successfully lobbied the government to allow their children access to medicinal cannabis oils. It was a significant sign at the time, but there have been few reports of patients taking the drug to treat multiple sclerosis, ADHD, or anxiety.
Sam chose to continue using cannabis after treatment, but only in small doses before the night. She had found that smoking pure cannabis in a small pipe helped relieve her nausea and nagging intestinal spasms. She mentioned that her Gastro Advisor is informed and supportive because she had been talking to him about using cannabis for medicinal purposes for over three or four years.
Jon Robson, chief executive of medical cannabis facility Mamedica, was shocked to learn of the drug’s accessibility. He told Metro.co.uk he couldn’t believe the NHS delivered trailers to the post office a year ago because he knows there are over 10,000 residents who have paid for medicinal cannabis out of their own pocket. He also claimed that one of the factors preventing access is the NHS’s continued reluctance to recommend prescriptions, stating that more convincing evidence was needed before widely used drugs would be recommended.
Jon mentioned that he doesn’t think patients get value for their money; He said they would talk non-stop about how it would benefit them if they were.
Zero to 17,000 patients in four years
In the last four years, the number of cannabis patients has increased from zero to 17,000. Many believe that the quality of the product has improved and the price has decreased. The NHS has encouraged more patients to discuss how medical marijuana has improved their conditions, and as more advisers prescribe it, more patients are reporting favorable outcomes.
According to Jon, of the 17,000 medicinal cannabis patients in the UK, 10,000 will return frequently and 60-70% will receive the flowers of the plant instead of oils. For example, Mamedica’s flower recipes only apply to dry herb vaporizers, which allow patients to heat the plant and consume its components as vapor rather than smoke. According to Jon, 60-70% of patients who visit Mamedica struggle with chronic pain, and many are looking for less addictive and perhaps more effective drug options.
The Department of Health said eight million people in the UK suffer from chronic pain, 24% of whom are on opioids, and around three million could be eligible for our programme. In the UK, 23.9 million prescriptions for opioids were written in 2017. They are widely recognized as addictive and potentially addictive in the medical community. The NHS claims it wants to make people turning to opioids aware that there is an option doctors are advocating.
Recipes for cannabis strains higher in THC can be harmful to patients with psychiatric conditions, while those containing CBD, another plant compound, can be “beneficial,” according to Jon. The main ingredient in marijuana, THC, causes a high, but CBD doesn’t induce a high and has antipsychotic properties, according to a recent study. Therefore, for certain individuals, strains bred to contain fewer dosages and more of the latter may be better suited.
Disadvantages of buying on the cannabis black market
Although many people continue to use the black market, there is no way to ensure product consistency or quality. This endangers the health of the population.
A North London singer, screenwriter, director and actress named Savannah King was one of the patients who initially turned to the illicit market. The 26-year-old DJ and musician was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s cancer in 2018 and has subsequently gone into remission. She discovered that using illegally obtained cannabis helped her feel better when she was not feeling well. She only found out about Mamedica in June this year when she paid £250 for a consultation and 20 grams of cannabis.
Savannah noted that at the time she felt it was pure and clean and shouldn’t be sprayed with glass.”
bottom line
Half of the patients who tried cannabis bought on the black market experienced one or more side effects. Now people are getting knowledgeable and aware of the many classifications and families of cannabis strains. Jon Robson emphasized that medical treatment programs are meticulously optimized for patients to cope with their diagnosis.
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