The truth about marijuana and muscle mass

The guy spends a lot of time working on his chest and legs… but what about marijuana and muscle mass?

When you're young, it's easier to train and look good. But if you're competing or just want to look good, you still need discipline, nutrition, and determination. As you get older, you have to focus even more, but does the occasional use of weed undermine your efforts? What's the truth about marijuana and muscle mass?

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The good news is that all a man needs to do is change his diet and dedicate time to cardio and strength training to get back in shape. You can't turn back the clock, but you can wind it back up. In fact, many fitness-conscious men claim to be in the best shape of their lives by middle age. However, it takes a lot of work to achieve that goal. After all, an older man's body simply doesn't respond and recover the way it did in his 20s. That's a big reason why men, especially older ones, need to be careful not to do anything that could destroy their gains.

Photo by Brodie Vissers via Burst

Marijuana is legal for over 50% of the population. And it's sparking a new “health” trend by getting people to drink less and consume more. Beer makers are the first to feel the effects, but with Gen Z really drinking less, more changes are on the way. Because cannabis can help with workouts, more fitness-conscious people are willing to add it to their routines. Some athletes swear it makes workouts more productive, others use it as part of their recovery process (to fight inflammation), and still others do it simply because it's fun, relaxing, and doesn't come with the mega-calorie load of alcoholic beverages.

As you age, levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone produced in the testes and adrenal glands, can drop. When testosterone levels drop, it's difficult to build muscle mass, maintain bone density, and get an Insta-worthy, chiseled body. Avoiding things like alcohol and fatty foods can help keep testosterone levels under control. The same goes for lifting heavy weights. However, there is some research that suggests marijuana use could be damaging to testosterone levels.

Training sessionsPhoto by Flickr user ThoroughlyReviewed

But what is marijuana and muscle mass. Cand the herb, something with therapeutic properties, does it really sabotage your fitness goal? Research has not provided an answer, but it appears that light or moderate exercise is not harmful to your muscle goal. While heavier exercise may have an effect, more research needs to be done.

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A study published in Journal of Clinical Pharmacology says it's possible: “Administration of cannabinoids acutely alters several hormonal systems, including suppression of gonadal steroids, growth hormone, prolactin, and thyroid hormone, as well as activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis,” the researchers wrote. That means it might be harder for marijuana users to maintain the testosterone levels needed to build muscle. But the researchers admit that “the effects in humans have been inconsistent,” and they believe even “tolerance” may play a role.

fitnessPhoto by Greg Roebuck

Other studies have found that heavy marijuana use can cause a dramatic drop in testosterone levels, while others have proven the opposite. One study showed that testosterone levels drop after marijuana use, but these levels appear to return to normal after 24 hours. All in all, the negative effects of marijuana on testosterone levels remain a mystery. Still, a man is more likely to damage his testosterone production through a junk food diet and lack of exercise than by smoking a moderate amount of marijuana.

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Men in their 40s who want to get back in shape should see a doctor and have their testosterone levels checked. There are many replacement therapies available for men. It is important to be open with your doctor about any marijuana use, as treatment may need to be adjusted to account for this variable. There is a chance that it will not matter at all to them.

If you're worried that marijuana will undo your gains, don't worry. With the right diet and a consistent exercise program, your body should respond positively, with or without marijuana.

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