The suffocation of food is much more dangerous than cannabis

The suffocation of food is in the news today – and is much more dangerous than marijuana.

The suffocation of food is back in the news. In the United States alone, around 5,000 – 5,500 people die from food or other objects every year. Factors such as alone, dentures, swallowing and certain foods (such as bananas, marshmallows or gallery -like sweets) increase the risk of suffocation. These numbers underline the persistent risk of suffocation of food and the need for increased consciousness and prevention measures. And yet it is really mentioned in the media or congress exams. But the suffocation of food is much more dangerous than cannabis.

Relatives: GERD of cannabis is supported

The suffocation of food, generally known as suffocation, claims a considerable number of life every year. The older population is most at risk because 90% of the suffocating deaths in connection with food in 2022 occur in people over 50 years. This statistics underline the importance of the right care and attention for older adults during meals. These numbers underline the persistent risk of suffocation of food and the need for increased consciousness and prevention measures.

In contrast, there are deaths that are attributed directly to marijuana overdose. This strong difference in the mortality rates between food and marijuana consumption is remarkable.

The inequality between the suffocation of food and overdose of marijuana is striking. While food dies every year, the deaths of marijuana overdoses are practically not available if they consider natural marijana use.

These findings indicate that the efforts to be public health may be disproportionately geared towards substances with lower mortality rates and at the same time overlook more frequent dangers such as suffocation of food. An increased training for adequate eating habits, especially for endangered population groups such as older people, could possibly save more lives than to prevent marijuana overdoses.

To prevent suffocation, listen to your mother's advice – eat slowly and penetrating, cut food into a bite size and do not speak to your mouth. And pay attention to food that can have small pieces or tiny bones.

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