The stoner guide to survival 2022
I recently wrote an article on whether the “stoner culture” would survive beyond 2022. Personally, I believe it will, and for the rest of the stoners out there who believe the same thing – I have created this short and powerful guide to surviving in 2022.
In fact, I’m pretty sure that stoners are the ones who do the best in our Orwellian reality and will be the very people who are going to help us get through the shit show we know as “Covid”. Before we get to the rest of this article, I think it’s important to point out that everyone should have the right to make an informed choice about their health. That means they should be able to take a vaccine if they want to or not.
In keeping with that argument, I also do not believe that we should enforce or even force these vaccines to be taken by literally depriving them of their freedoms and making them second-class citizens if they abstain. Why? Because regardless of whether you think these vaccines are the only way out of the pandemic – we shouldn’t be doing this by breaking the Nuremberg Code. If you haven’t read this document – I recommend that you READ IT HERE and decide for yourself whether or not our current approach goes against it.
Don’t let fact checkers sell you their opinions as facts – practice your own critical thinking and form your own opinion.
That said, I’ll stop talking about my personal views on how things are done and not focus on how we stoners will get through 2022.
Take more mindful trains
Many people turned to weed to escape the pandemic, however – if you happened to read any of my recent articles, you will know that a “mindfulness move” can bring you far more benefits than escapism. Mindfulness smoking essentially means being very “present” while smoking. Many times we use cannabis as a distraction from our inner troubles – mindfulness exercises look your fear straight in the face and instead of letting go of it – we start to watch it.
For the stoners out there, take a drag and think about your life, what you are doing and how you would like to change it for the better. Often times, internal changes reflect external situations and if you can find peace in the pandemic – you can find peace anywhere!
Grow some grass!
One thing that can teach you patience is growing weed. Not only will you reap the benefits of growing your own weed, but you’ll also gain a deeper understanding of what it means to grow and consume weed. Of course, some of you can’t legally grow your own weed, and I would “never” recommend growing weed illegally. I mean, never “grow in your closet” or “buy a tent” if you fear getting caught by the police.
Fortunately, I’ve written extensively on these topics and how to grow without getting caught by the man. I’ve also written about how to build a grow room that can continuously produce weed. Growing your own weed is a fantastic way to reduce your stress levels and thereby gain good ganj. If we have to wait a year or two, watching a wonderful plant is a great way to pass your time.
It’s okay to have doubts …
One thing that has become painfully apparent in this pandemic is that great narratives are being pushed forward. Unless you are a “team vaccine” or “team government” you will be instantly ostracized and feel like a complete idiot who doesn’t understand life.
The truth is, “fact checker” is simply a new term for propaganda. The truth is that during this entire pandemic, approximately 0.007% of the world’s population died from the consequences. Most people will survive an infection – I know, myself and many others who have contracted the virus.
When in doubt, don’t let the others make you feel inferior. The scientific method is about questioning, going against the “consensus” and finding out for yourself. I think we have to “trust science less” and rather “become more scientific in our decisions”. Blindly “trusting” science is not science, it is science – so it’s okay to have doubts, it’s okay to have questions, and it’s definitely okay to distrust big pharma and government. Historically, you’ve come to the right place.
Stop watching mainstream news, limit social media
One of the biggest problems with this pandemic is that people are obsessed with the news and social media. Limit this in your life and you will feel better immediately.
Spend meaningful time with people …
However, we are told to isolate ourselves – people do much better when they have meaningful relationships with others. Because man is a social being. That is, in part, why being “excommunicated” or “banished” from society has been a worse fate than death.
While the advice of our time is to hide our faces and isolate ourselves from people – if you don’t have Covid symptoms, cough or sneeze all the time – you will be fine hanging out with other people. Of course, don’t go around doing this without caution – instead, make meaningful connections with people and really work to deepen your relationships. These will carry you through the toughest times.
Do some exercise
It turns out that stoners are more active than non-stoners. Keep walking, hiking, cycling, doing yoga – be active. Not only does cannabis help make the exercise more fun, it also helps you recover faster.
Being healthy is probably one of the best defense measures against this pandemic.
Bottom line
I don’t know how long this pandemic will last. Pfizer’s CEO wants to push it until 2024 – it’s not about the safety of the masses at all, but rather the safety of profit margins. Ultimately, you need to take care of your own mental and physical health.
If a vaccination works, get it. If not, then not.
If you have to choose between being hired and getting the jab – read the Nuremberg Codes and see if it gels or not. If you have to take it and don’t want to – but do it anyway because you have to support your family – you don’t feel guilty.
Stoners won’t judge you for taking it or not – at least OG stoners won’t. Ultimately, you are the alpha and omega of your own decisions. Just take on what makes you feel empowered, healthy, happy, and free – and reduce what makes you feel the opposite.
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