The seven deadly sins of pot smoking take a closer look at weed gluttony
I saw a “vintage” post – I think it’s vintage these days, but FUCK makes me old – that was published in the High Times when it was not yet “gone corporate”. Oh yeah, 1997 – a year when magazines were still a “thing” and people thought the world’s tech grids were going to hell for watches. Well, two years later, but this is more or less the “mindset” of the time. In other words, humanity was still very “green” when it came to personal technology.
Anyway, on Reddit, the user named JohnnyFongo has uploaded a gem of a comic entitled “The Seven Deadly Sins of Pot Smoking” and with it a snapshot of each sin.
In the following article we are going to cover the 7 Deadly Pot Smoking Sins according to the High Times.
NOTE: The snapshot specifically focused on the sin of gluttony, so we’ll take a closer look at what High Times viewed as “gluttony-related cannabis sins.”
Gluttony explained
The comic shows the rotting corpse of Harry J. Anslinger, who introduces the four small sins associated with cannabis gluttony.
The Bogart:
The illustration shows a man who knows about God what is happening while holding the joint. The title of the window reads: “The sinner who just holds the joint and talks and talks …”
This is definitely something that is frowned upon in the cannabis community. If you are guilty of Bogarting Joints – STOP! Disqualifying someone else is an especially dire “sin” and should be exclaimed every time.
A simple “So – are you going to pass this shit on or what?” should be enough.
The buffer::
Personally, I haven’t come across many “Huffers”, but according to the High Times, these are people who “smoke the second hand smoke” between tokens. While this isn’t uncommon, I think most people aren’t Huffers.
But then again – Huffers exist and it’s pretty strange to think that they do. Anyone who knows a thing or two about cannabis smoke knows that exhaling the “exhaled smoke” or even the smoke coming from the end of the joint doesn’t contain a lot of THC.
When you consume this, you are essentially just inhaling burnt paper and plant matter – which I don’t need to explain why it’s not good for you.
If you are a huffer, you are guilty of the sin of gluttony under the Cannabis Law. I’m kidding there is no cannabis law – if you don’t want to breathe thick smoke for shit and giggle, then who should I say “you shouldn’t”?
The hoarder:
Oh, we know them, and sometimes they are – I think everyone was guilty at some point of holding back the primo and spending the dregs. Granted, it’s not something you often want to do because weeds are meant to be shared, but if you’ve bought or cut out some “god-level shit” you may not want to share it with the world.
In these cases, whatever you find around is better – you know not to be a bad host. That includes the weeklong cockroach that you wanted to throw away.
Well, if you have weeds – share it, but there are scavengers smokers out there too, so you don’t have to share weeds all the time either. Fuck Scavengers!
The sucker or I call it “flame breathers!”
The next voracious pigs on the list are the “fire-eaters”. These are greedy tokers who want to deprive a cockroach of every last presence of THC by creating a vacuum around the joint and sucking like their prettiest person in prison.
What happens then? You swallow the cockroach. I have to admit, it ONCE happened to me when I was very young, and since then I’ve learned that there is always “more”.
It reminds me of the parable of the two cops – one young and one old. The young bull sees a couple of cows grazing nearby and gets really excited. He rushes to the old bull, just chews on grass and watches the day go by and says, “Do you see that? All of these cows! Let’s go over there and fuck one of them! “
The old wise man of a bull just kept chewing until he could swallow easily, to which he replied; “Why don’t you just go over and we’ll fuck them all?”
There’s no need to extract the last bit of THC in a cockroach – you can always roll a new joint and get up high without the risk of fire being swallowed.
OMS or “Open Mouth Syndrome”
I banned the OMS from my life for a long time. These are people who are unable to eat and smoke separately. Now I understand, the nibbles are kicking in – you want to eat. When this happens – EAT! But for the love of Ganj, don’t eat and smoke at the same time.
Wet, clammy, food-covered joints are biological warfare – where you accidentally share your juices with other people.
I’m sorry to say but if it’s you you don’t have permission to smoke with me and NO, I don’t want to get a hit from this disgusting mess you call a joint. Fuck you!
Are You Guilty of Cannabis Gluttony?
To regret! That’s what Anslinger-Zombie ends up screaming, and if you are guilty of any of these – especially the last one, you should turn around completely. Gluttony doesn’t look good, even in the cannabis world.
What are the 7 deadly sins of being a pot smoker? READ THIS!
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