The Seattle Hippie Speedball
We fit together like two peas in a pod or an appropriate era – like cannabis and coffee!
The drug I’ve used the longest and most often is COFFEE!
Well, technically, caffeine is the most widely consumed drug on the planet, with at least 80% of adults consuming this psychoactive substance.
In other words, the idea of a drug-free America is and always has been a myth. However, that subplot is not the idea behind this article.
Today we’re talking about the “Seattle Hippie Speedball,” which is essentially just about mixing some coffee with buds.
In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the origins of the blend, which is way more interesting than you think, and we’ll talk about how the two work together to create a more functional high
The origins of coffee & cannabis
This entire article was inspired by a post I saw on Reddit where user PhCBD posted a video explaining how “before the ban, the official cure for too much cannabis was coffee,” as stated in its pharmacopoeia has been published.
This is because the caffeine is converted by adenosine receptors in the brain, which in turn counteracts some of the effects of THC on the endocannabinoid system. This in turn reduces some of the effects of cannabis.
In other words, if you’re too high, a good ol ‘cup of joe can help Jane settle in.
I have been using cannabis and caffeine to great effect for years. That’s one of the reasons I can smoke so much cannabis and still work.
Well, to be honest, I don’t smoke THAT much cannabis, but I would educate more than the average user.
Nonetheless, caffeine works wonders to counteract the sagging cannabis.
If you’ve ever indulged yourself in a full afternoon smoking weed, you’ll know you smoke joint after joint or dab after dab – you get fuzzy.
Other words to describe the feeling are heavy, fat, slow, lethargic, sleepy, etc.
All of these are exactly what caffeine counteracts. Coffee makes you spicy, energetic, nervous, etc.
It’s almost like the two drugs are on opposite spectra, which means that if you drink too much coffee, a little weed can help you remove the spiciness.
Smoking or pouring my coffee?
This really depends on what you have available. Not everyone has access to tinctures or oils, so if all you can do is smoke and drink coffee – you do!
However, I have experimented with different methods of consuming caffeine and cannabis together. Personally, I like adding some CBD oil to my coffee in the morning.
It really helps you stay focused as there is no euphoria associated with it other than the euphoria associated with the coffee.
Some of you may say, “Coffee doesn’t create euphoria,” to which I would reply, “Try going without coffee for a month and see how unhappy you really are.”
I also infused my coffee with THC tincture mixed with some gin, it was an interesting experience.
When I consumed the gin-cannabis-coffee infusion it was like your whole body was relaxed but your mind was wide awake.
However, the method I usually invoke for simplicity is to smoke and drink coffee.
I love having a joint ready, lighting it up, and planning my day with a good, strong cup of coffee. I’m not finishing the joint, far from it.
I only smoke enough cannabis to feel it and then stop smoking. Then I just keep drinking my coffee as usual.
When the two substances combine, you feel good, better than good – great! You have energy and you are relaxed, it is a good state.
What is more dangerous?
In 2018, researchers identified 92 cases of caffeine-related overdose. In the case of cannabis, a fatal overdose is very unlikely, the CDC confirms.
The worst thing that can happen to you with cannabis is basically the green-out. Granted, a green out is no joke. I’ve seen people talk about horrific hallucinations that came upon them after overeating an over-brownie.
Of course, these terrifying images are only the unconscious mind breaking the veil under the temporary psychosis of using a psychoactive substance – in other words, “when you trip up some serious eggs”.
Nothing is as permanent as the 92 poor souls who died of a caffeine overdose in 2018.
So when we talk about lethality, cannabis is still a safer choice than caffeine. However, both substances are mostly safe for the vast majority of people.
Which one is more addicting?
Technically, coffee and cannabis addictions are in a similar range, but on a personal level, I find the lack of coffee far more worrying than the lack of cannabis.
I have gone through many purges in my life, but I have rarely left coffee for long periods of time. Recently this revelation hit me like a slap in the face. One day I’m going to do a full caffeine detox to see what it’s about.
You may not know how a drug will interact with your body until you remove it completely. This also applies to the most socially accepted addiction in the world – coffee!
The sticky end result
For my part, I love the combination of coffee and cannabis. It’s a game made in heaven. I also like mate and cannabis, which have similar effects to coffee, except that I think it’s less acidic.
What are some of your favorite mixes with cannabis? Let me know in the comment section!
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