The scientific view of marijuana for a slim body

‘Tis the season when we watch weight and try to look good. Fasting, running, diet plans, Pilates and cross training are the order of the day. But what does the science say about marijuana for a slim body?

Let’s start with some basic body chemistry. The pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that lowers blood sugar levels. It helps to use sugar/glucose from carbohydrates for immediate energy or to store it as fat for later. This is exactly the process that cannabis can influence, according to a growing body of research. It starts at the micro level.

THC is the compound in cannabis that gives people a “high” feeling. Although it is perhaps the most well-known cannabinoid, there are more than 100 of them and they occur naturally in our bodies as endocannabinoids. The endocannabinoid system is present in all vertebrates and helps regulate sleep, energy, appetite, and metabolism, to name a few. It helps create balance or homeostasis at the cellular level. This is why marijuana can be so effective as medicine. It is not considered an invader, but rather a familiar substance to the body’s cannabinoid receptors and functions like a lock and key.

RELATED: How I Lost 50 Pounds Using Marijuana

But getting slimmer by consuming cannabis? Do you mean that seriously? This isn’t just a pipe dream. Researchers studying diabetes, metabolism and obesity are increasingly interested in how cannabis could be an effective therapy for imbalanced human systems.

While much of this research has been conducted on rats, this has been shown to be the case with human cannabis users have significantly lower obesity rates And have slimmer waists as a non-user. The cannabinoid THC was too It has been shown to suppress appetite. These results were further validated in studies with large sample sizes.

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Age, gender and race don’t seem to matter; The effect is comprehensive. This has led to a deeper look and calls for more research into how the endocannabinoid system can be manipulated to help people with obesity and blood sugar metabolism.

The strange good news doesn’t end there. This has also been shown to be the case with cannabis users lower cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. The manufacturers of statin drugs, which are popular in the common treatment of these diseases, are monitoring these developments closely.

RELATED: Federal study aims to learn more about marijuana and weight loss

Jake Felice, a naturopath practicing in Washington state and California, has long advocated for appropriate cannabis therapy. Although there is a lot of promising research, Felice reminds patients:

“Although cannabis has not been proven to be a weight loss agent, it is associated with lower BMI (body mass index) and may have a positive impact on the body’s ability to regulate sugar levels. “In addition, cannabis can positively influence the stress hormones associated with weight gain.”

Cannabis alone will not contribute to a lower BMI if you don’t exercise and have unhealthy eating habits. But if the researchers are right, it may help people be more balanced and maintain a healthy body weight.

Admittedly, we still have a long research path ahead of us, but stay tuned. Maybe one day the Surgeon General’s advice will be, “Just say grow.”

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