The sad story of the Procks and the loss of your toddler to cannabis locked in your trunk

Cannabis ban is bad!

There are probably a million different reasons I could give you for the “why”, but today we’re going to be talking about the Procks.

Imagine traveling with your family, just you and your spouse and 18-month-old baby, to visit your in-laws who live in another state. It is legal to have cannabis in your home state, and it has been for a while.

Your general paranoia and fear of prosecution has subsided in recent years, after all, cannabis is a personal choice.

So when a state trooper comes up to you about the “smell of marijuana” you would be like – “why not be honest … after all, most people have no problem with cannabis …”

But, you’re in Alabama, and cannabis is just as dangerous here as heroin.

The next thing you know is that you are being arrested by the state trooper, and what’s worse, your child is being put on child protection because the fact that you had weeds on you is somehow “putting your child at risk”. simply because of the proximity of the plant.

Not to mention the cannabis you carried was locked in the trunk of your car!

However, according to Alabama, this is a “chemical hazard of crime” and therefore the state has the “legal right” to take your child away.

If that sounds like a lot of shit …. welcome to the Prock world!

Why Legalism Is The Reason The Nazis Could Do All Their Evil Without Challenge!

Do you know what one of the main excuses the Nazis used to justify their horrific acts?

“I only followed orders …”

Just as the Alabama State soldier “only enforced the law” and prosecutors “only obey orders” for causing serious mental harm to an infant just because “plants are bad!”

Do I equate the Alabama state government with Nazis?

Why me of course!

Alabama’s outdated laws have no scientific basis and are upheld for ideological reasons only. But then again, we cannot blame Alabama for this atrocity.

We have a contradicting reality in the United States – FEDERAL PROHIBITION!

The divided states of America

Over the past decade, the United States has made significant strides in legalizing cannabis. However, these efforts have largely been carried out at the state level.

Due to the fact that cannabis is classified as a “Schedule I substance” under the Narcotics Act next to heroin, the possession, transport, cultivation and consumption of cannabis is illegal.

The only reason the federal government doesn’t crack down on individuals in constitutional states is because they don’t have the human resources to pull this off.

Because legal states prohibit their law enforcement agencies from tracking licensed pharmacies and farms, the federal government cannot use state resources to track these operations.

This essentially renders them “unable to stop legalization”.

However, because of the federal termination of cannabis, states like Alabama can enforce this draconian policy of “legal child abduction” simply because there is no federal consumer protection in place.

Will the Biden admin decriminalize?

While the President keeps talking about “decriminalization”, these words have no weight.

Biden doesn’t like cannabis. It never has and never will.

For him cannabis and other “drugs” were his bread and butter. It’s the platform on which he built his political career.

If Biden were to flip the script on his drug position, it would mean his entire career has been a shame, in which he has advanced policies that hurt minorities, inflate the police state, and help close the black market worth billions a year create.

Wouldn’t look good on his “presidential record” if he admitted he has now failed on the biggest scales, would it?

Biden mentioned decriminalization, but we also know that he would like to move cannabis to Schedule-II, which would essentially make it a pharmaceutical plant due to the strict regulatory requirements of Schedule-II.

In addition, they believe the Biden government has “more important things to do …” and “cannabis is not a priority”.

This, of course, made Kamala Harris look like an idiot, as she “supported a bill to end the ban” prior to her election as Vice President. She had to take one for the “team”.

For us normal people, this means that “they don’t give a shit about legalizing it” and that people like the Procks just have to “follow the rules.”

Even if these rules can be forcibly manipulated in order to separate a child from their family. Even if these rules are at the expense of the people. Even if these rules now set the Procks a crime record that forever tarnishes their ability to obtain credit and employment.

Do you guess these Americans are just “not as important” as other Americans?

The sticky end result

Don’t be fooled, just because most people support weed, atrocities don’t happen anymore.

Alabama and other prohibited states continue to deprive people of the freedom to use and own a simple plant.

It is cases like this that we need to keep in mind as we draw up these types of guidelines. The law does not help anyone in this case, it only adds further harm to a family because they traveled with a plant.

Sure, one could argue that they should know that Alabama is so tough on its weed laws. Or that the guy should have denied the cop the right to search his car in order not to trust the police.

This misses the point, however – taking someone’s child for smoking cannabis in 2021 is abduction.

If you are trying to use the excuse “it is the law” – remember, the law is not the measure of what is right. There was a time when it was legal to own other people, and if it were still today – I’m sure Alabama would still have a market for people.





Parenthood and Marijuana Use


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