The perfect ratio of CBD to THC? New study says 1 to 1 is the best ratio for therapeutic effects
Researchers from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus analyzed the effects of cannabis flowers with nearly equal ratios of THC and CBD and their effects on subjects.
The subjects in the study were assigned to smoke cannabis flower at various ratios that were randomly assigned. This included 24% THC and 1% CBD, 23% CBD and 1% THC, and buds with almost equal amounts each, 10% THC and 9% CBD. After an hour, the researchers measured their effect.
They found that the patients who smoked the THC-dominant cannabis and those who smoked in nearly equal proportions and those who smoked the flower in nearly equal proportions experienced similar positive benefits. The difference was that participants who consumed samples in nearly equal proportions reported fewer negative side effects, such as paranoia and anxiety.
“This is one of the first studies to examine the differential effects of different THC and CBD ratios using cannabis flower chemovariants, which are widely available in government-regulated markets. The present results suggest that CBD may be associated with an overall reduction in THC exposure and may attenuate the negative psychotomimetic effects of THC without reducing the effects of THC that individuals self-report as enjoying,” they write.
“The results of the present study indicate that participants using the THC+CBD chemovar had significantly lower THC plasma levels and reported less paranoia and anxiety compared to participants using the THC-dominant chemovar. Importantly, despite these differences, participants reported similar positive subjective effects in both THC+CBD and THC conditions… The implication of these harm reduction results is that CBD-containing cannabis chemovars resulted in lower overall exposure to THC and consequently lead to a lower potential for harm, particularly in relation to the psychotomimetic effects of THC,” they concluded.
Why the relationship matters
CBD and THC are the two primary cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. They each have their own characteristics; THC is the psychoactive compound responsible for making you feel high. The more THC a flower or product contains, the higher you will feel. But aside from just getting you high, THC is commonly used for its medicinal properties, such as: B. its ability to stimulate appetite, treat insomnia, stop nausea and relieve pain. Getting the dose right is crucial, however, as too much THC can make people paranoid and anxious. On the other hand, CBD is non-psychoactive and is used for relaxation, insomnia, anxiety, pain, and more.
When the two are combined in different ratios, they synergistically enhance their beneficial properties in what is known as the entourage effect. That being said, we all have different biological makeups, which is why your reaction to CBD may differ from your friend’s reaction to CBD, even if you both took the exact same dose. Scientists have realized that the ideal dose for most people who want the greatest therapeutic benefit is an equal ratio of both, or 1:1 THC CBD. This ratio can help you stay productive without feeling too high, as CBD counteracts the highs of THC while providing a wide range of health benefits including pain relief, anxiety reduction, and better sleep, among others.
common relationships
When shopping for cannabis products, those using a combination of both cannabinoids offer different ratios. Here are the most common ratios:
0:1 CBD THC: With no CBD in the product, you will be able to feel the highs of THC, which many find to be uplifting and euphoric while relieving stress. If you are one of those people who are sensitive or have a low tolerance to THC, you may be prone to anxiety and paranoia. However, many people prefer it because it reduces pain and inflammation while improving energy and mood.
1:0 CBD THC: A product without THC will not get you high. People who enjoy the relaxation provided by CBD will appreciate these types of products as they can easily soothe while also improving your mood and helping to reduce anxiety and panic attacks.
1:1 CBD THC: For people unfamiliar with CBD and THC, this is the recommended ratio to start with. You will be able to experience the best of both worlds, but also the presence of CBD will prevent you from getting too high from the THC. In addition, you remain functional and productive.
1:9 or more: These are typically high-THC products, meaning you’ll likely experience the properties typically associated with THC. These can be beneficial for people suffering from severe pain, nausea, migraines, loss of appetite due to chemotherapy or radiation, and more. Just remember that it also means you get high.
Apart from that, you will also find other ratios like 2:1, 3:1 or 4:1 as well as 25:1 and others in the market. If you’re not sure where to start, remember that the more CBD it contains, the less THC psychoactivity you will experience. If you don’t want to get high, always opt for a product with a higher CBD content or an equal ratio.
Speak to a Budtender at your nearest pharmacy to learn more about recommendations based on your personal needs. These ratios are available in many cannabis products, from oils to tinctures, edibles, and more.
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