The kids can’t buy weed

Have you ever heard that: “It’s going to be so much easier for the youth to get their hands on cannabis!” This is the argument that prohibitionists have been touting for decades, and according to them, the moment you cannabis legalize, be available everywhere.

Kids will be able to walk into a dispensary, and an oversized hippie would easily sell them weed…right? Well, it turns out that a recent study in California found that 100% of cannabis dispensaries tested were compliant with pre-sale ID verification.

This was reported on Marijuana Moment where they reported on the study.

“It was somewhat surprising that the ID policy was followed 100 percent to discourage minors from buying marijuana directly from licensed outlets,” wrote the authors of the study, published this month in the Journal of Safety Research. “However, that was consistent with what was observed in two other states, Washington and Colorado.”

In other words, the cannabis industry has no real interest in illegally selling cannabis to young people. Compliance is their friend, and that in turn actually makes it harder for kids to get hold of cannabis.

That doesn’t mean kids can’t get their hands on cannabis, it just means the legal industry doesn’t contribute to their use.

“It appears that licensed recreational marijuana dispensaries in California are age screening young patrons. Therefore, adolescents are unlikely to buy marijuana directly from these outlets,” the new study reads. “They are more likely to use other sources, e.g. B. Ask an adult to buy it for them, get it from older friends or siblings, and use it at parties where marijuana use could be shared.” – Marijuana moment

This practically applies to alcohol as well and is something you cannot stop as there will always be older adults buying stuff for younger people. An older brother, an uncle, or even a teen’s home grow that doesn’t get too much parental supervision can all be sources for the youth to get their weed from.

Young people generally consume less

The strange thing that has happened since legalization is that teenage use rates have remained pretty much the same or decreased post legalization, as reported in the Guardian.

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis surveyed 216,852 teens from all 50 states and found that the number of teens with marijuana-related disorders fell by 24% from 2002 to 10% from 2002 to 10%, although more than a dozen states were medical Legalized marijuana and decriminalized the drug during that time. – The Guardian, 2016

While it’s true that this article is five years old, the fact of the matter is that the results remain consistent. While youth prefer cannabis and mushrooms to alcohol, fewer of them use cannabis. In other words, it seems that the legalization of cannabis has taken the “edge” out of cannabis use.

When I was a teenager, cannabis was seen by some as a “rebellious act”…not me, I just loved smoking pot! However, others would rebel by smoking weed.

Today, rebellion takes various forms. I’m not going to speculate what the “flavor of the day” for youth rebellion is… but one conclusion we can draw from all this noise is that “legalizing cannabis” isn’t making weed any easier for kids.

In fact, no legal establishment sells cannabis due to the fines and penalties associated with selling it to minors.

This will not change in the years to come.

Legal makes it harder… and safer!

Legal businesses will never sell to minors. The weed sold in these places has to go through strict standards and regulatory inspections, which means it’s also safer to consume than untested street weed (technically).

If this works with weed… why shouldn’t it work with other drugs as well? Why do we live in a society that frowns on the individual’s right to be flashed? Why can’t I buy pharmaceutical grade LSD in a store if I’m over 21?

Why can I legally smoke weed, drink alcohol and take pills – but not eat mushrooms?

If every pharmacy could sell “drugs” in general, compliance would still be 100%, and if you’re worried about these third-party free agents giving drugs to kids… increase the penalties on them. But we should never punish the whole of society for the possible bad deeds of a few people.

I believe if we legalized and regulated all drugs like marijuana, not only would we have a safer society… but we would see a new age of enlightenment dawn as millions of adults would have the legal right to have a psychedelic experience – to heal to shift their perspectives and explore their own consciousness.

Legalization works! Let’s do it for all drugs!


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