The Illinois marijuana market is getting even hotter with $ 4.20 cannabis use lounges

The speed at which cannabis use lounges are making good money in Illinois serves as inspiration for other states with plans to build these cool places.

After Illinois passed cannabis legislation, the government acted on the need to provide safe rooms for cannabis users. Smoking weed in public is still illegal, but luckily, cannabis lounges are open and smokers are visiting these rooms at a record rate. Pot cafes may not be a household name to them, but they will be big business!

Consumption Lounges in Illinois

Illinois approved the retail use and sale of cannabis in early 2020. It took the state 18 months after the measure was passed to put in place regulators and other necessities. Meanwhile, it also issued permits to applicants who wanted to set up cannabis lounges.

The length of time might have been shorter if the world had stayed “pandemic free”.

Finally, the highly anticipated cannabis bars opened their doors sometime in July. At the time of this writing, there are only two lounges open for operation. More of these cannabis lounges are reportedly about to open their rooms for daily operations.

Since opening in July, these two open lounges have entertained thousands of cannabis users. These visitors initially visited the lounge out of curiosity, but were then drawn in and continued to visit regularly.

How the cannabis lounges work

The lounge is only open to adults aged 21 and over. Under current legislation, cannabis lounges are not allowed to sell any amount of weed to their customers. Users are required to bring their products with them when visiting these facilities. There are plans to change this, but for now, lounge owners and visitors alike need to maintain the status quo.

They make their income by asking customers to enter the legal rooms. They also organize social gatherings for cannabis users to share and network with each other at the same time.

Company lounges in Illinois

There are currently only two cannabis lounges in business.

The first cannabis lounge in Sesser opened on July 10th and is called the Luna Lounge.

At Luna, customers also have to bring their weed. All weed that is brought into these lungs must be legal products kept in sealed containers by registered pharmacies.

The space offers smoking papers, pipes, and other delivery equipment for sale or rent. If customers cannot finish their buds, they are offered legal bags to carry home the leftover pot.

Luna generated a lot of revenue and was the first to open the licensed space. The lounge charges $ 4.20 as an entry fee for all customers. This is independent of the cost of rented or purchased equipment within the room. On a normal night in the Luna Lounge, video, card and board games are available to guests.

The second cannabis lounge in Illinois is the Aromas Hookah Bar. It is located in Dekalb. However, access is more expensive than Luna. Dekalb charges # 12 as an entry fee and is only in operation about four to six hours a day. The bar has a menu of snacks and soft drinks, as in other bars, guests have to bring their pot. It also entertains in the form of arcade games and music.

Both locations have been successful in their businesses since they were founded. It is worth noting that there were no reports of violence from any of the facilities. Patrons were very organized and respectful in their dealings.

New lounges on the go

In the summer, the city council began zoning locations for cannabis lounges in cities. They were also contacted by the Trinity Compassionate Care Centers. The company’s founder and vice president, Ronald DiGiacomo, has shown interest in investing in cannabis lounges.

There are plans to open a cannabis lounge in West Pretoria before the end of the year. Investors say the place will be known as the “High Harbor” and is slated to be built on the same site as the former Sky Harbor steakhouse.

From the announcements made by the investors, the space would organize events related to comedy, music, and educational topics. Company events and yoga classes will also be added over time. Christiana Patellaro, a real estate agent who works with investors, said the renovations would be complete soon and the facility would open in late fall.

The High Harbor opening event will be held outdoors on September 10th and 11th. High Harbor and Trinity plan to make this a two day event to get more exposure.

They also announced to the public that there will be no on-site cannabis sales, so customers will need to bring the pot they want to consume.

The event would feature artisans, music, live art, and vendors. Patellaro added that High Harbor promises to be a creative environment for people to enjoy their pot in.

Another suggested location for a cannabis lounge in Illinois is in Carbondale. An adult cannabis dispenser, Consume Cannabis, will be the main investor in this project. This would be a unique facility as the store would offer a consumption area within its pharmacy. That means customers have the choice of buying their cannabis locally.

The fun fact is that Carbondale already has an existing cannabis culture, even the resident university, Southern Illinois University, had a history as a hippie town in the 1960s and 1970s. It wouldn’t be uncommon for the old folks to visit this lounge once it is open.

The lounge also offers interested students over the age of 21 the opportunity to experience the cannabis culture of yesteryear.

Bottom line

There are other investors ready to open cannabis use lounges in Illinois. The only factor delaying this is the city administration’s zoning system.

The events in the Illinois community will also serve as an encouraging blueprint for not only other legal cannabis states, but the federal government and other international countries as well.


Cannabis use lounges in America





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