the history and culture of ganja in Jamaica
Jamaica is known internationally for its associations with cannabis. Even so, most people still have a confused view of the history and culture of ganja in Jamaica.
It’s easy to stumble into sensationalism and exoticism when talking about cannabis cultures around the world. Hopefully these facts about Jamaica’s cannabis culture will help you get a clearer picture of how things are going in this beautiful island country.
Indian origins
Picture by: Edwin Binney 3rd Collection
Ganja is the preferred name for cannabis in this island nation of 3 million people. In Jamaica, cannabis has a reputation as a cultural phenomenon, religious sacrament and tourist attraction. Many people assume that the word “ganja” comes from Jamaica – it actually comes from Indian servants who were forcibly brought to Jamaica by the British to work in sugar plantations. In fact, many refer to India as one of the oldest civilizations to deal with doobies.
Specifically, this cultural and product exchange goes back to around 1845; The workers brought their plants and their knowledge of how to grow and use them. Today, many of the terms that continue to be used in Jamaica to refer to cannabis have their origins in this over a hundred year old cultural exchange.
Ganja for the masses?
Photo by: Rock Star
One of the prevailing myths about the history and culture of ganja in Jamaica is the notion that smoking is widespread across the island and there is virtually no stigma.
While everyone thinks everyone smokes herbs in Jamaica, not everyone does. There are definitely people who look down on it.
Bambaata Marley
However, cannabis use is actually part of the daily life of many groups. In fact, researchers have found the prevalence of cannabis use in two main groups: the working class and Rastafarian.
Working class roots
In his essay “The Social Nexus of Ganja in Jamaica”, the anthropologist Lambros Comitas states that working-class workers in particular have to do with cannabis. In comparison, middle- and upper-class people are more likely to avoid cannabis and look down on users. It is through making friends and observing family members that most people become aware of cannabis use and treat it as part of social and daily life.
Generally, ganja is either consumed as part of a tea or smoked. Aside from the belief that cannabis has great medicinal properties, one possible explanation for the working class affinity for ganja is its perception of its ability to increase work ability. Yes, you read that right – the exact opposite of what most westerners think of cannabis.
Almost everywhere, users claim that ganja improves their ability to work. That is, to do manual labor, and they regularly consume ganja with that aim.
Courtesy Lambros
This concentration on the class is necessary. As Comitas notes, “the social factor is critical to understanding cannabis in Jamaica.”
According to Comitas, others view cannabis use as a class characteristic. In this way, cannabis use can create marginalization and stigma. However, this is not so much the case in countries like Canada, where legalization has made a small contribution to combating stigma.
Demystification of Rastafari
Photo by: Ueli Frey
Most people have likely heard of the Rastafarian religion and culture by hearing about Bob Marley, arguably one of the most prominent Rastafarians who was also instrumental in increasing the popularity of both the religion and the plant. First things first: what is Rastafarian? It is a religious movement for black Jamaicans who believe in the ultimate and worldwide redemption of blacks at the hands of a Black Messiah and bring about a return to Africa.
The role of the municipalities
Many of the early Rastafarian practitioners lived in communities to avoid persecution by society. In these communities, they grew cash crops to support themselves. One of those harvests was – you guessed it: ganja. Rastas appreciate the plant as a sacrament and use it for religious rituals and as entheogens. One of the sacred and purposeful uses for ganja in Rastafarian culture is nyabinghi, also known as thought sessions. At Nyabinghi music is played in which the believers can sing, sing and pray together. It is common to discuss communal issues and smoke ganja to create heightened spiritual states. Then they take part in debates on the principles of religion and discuss their ideas that are relevant to current affairs.
Rastafari have a long history of standing up against The Man and advocating freedom. However, this has also made this minority community (approx. 1-2 percent of the island’s population) the target of institutions and systems. Many Rastas also feel that the near-universal ban on cannabis is persecution, as it violates their right to practice their beliefs.
A common myth about Rastafarian people is that they only use ganja to get high. The truth is, many devout practitioners likely disapprove of this idea. They don’t see the plant just as a leisure provider; they even draw from the Christian Bible to explain their connections to cannabis:
- Genesis 3:18 – “… you shall eat the herbs of the field.”
- Exodus 10:12 – “… eat every herb in the country.”
- Proverbs 15:17 – “… It is better to eat a herb meal where there is love than an ox that has been abandoned and thus hatred.”
- Psalms 104: 14 – “… He grows grass for the cattle and herbs for the service of the people.”
Not as legal as you think
Photo by: Cannabis Pictures
Despite its reputation as a stoner’s paradise, cannabis is actually largely illegal in Jamaica. The prohibition of cannabis began in the early 1900s with the Ganja Act of 1913. First proposed by a group of evangelical churches with vociferous support from European elites, the law is now viewed by many as a racist and classical law, favoring the working class and blacks discriminated.
Fortunately, things have improved. The government proposed a series of reforms that went into effect in 2015 to reduce small amount ownership to a minor offense and allow citizens to grow their own crops. It is also legal for Rastafarians to use the plant, as Jamaica is one of the few countries in the world that allows cannabis to be used for religious purposes.
Recently, the Jamaican government has made efforts to get all of Jamaica’s cannabis growers into their thriving, but still small, formal industries. This effort is one of the government’s first concerted efforts to harness local cannabis culture to make the country a major player in the global cannabis economy. However, many smallholder farmers, especially those from the Rastafarian community, have concerns that they can enter the legal market without adequate government support.
Roots, rock, reggae, reefer
The history and culture of ganja in Jamaica intertwine with complex narratives of racial justice, transcontinental cultural exchange, classism and oppression. Given this nuanced reality, it is not surprising that many have misconceptions about the cannabis culture in Jamaica.
Jamaica is a beautiful island with a deeply complex and interesting local culture. And now that global travel is gearing up again, consider it your first choice for cannabis tourism. When you end up going get some of that sweet ganja. Don’t forget to follow CLN and let us know what it’s like to smoke in paradise!
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