The dry herb vaporizer revolution is coming
What is a dry herb vaporizer?
A dry herbal vaporizer heats your botanicals to a set temperature and turns the essential oils into inhalable vapor. The herbs will stay intact but will turn dark as the vaporization process takes place. Check out our Vaporizer Buyers Guide to learn more about what makes a dry herbal vaporizer.
How does vaporizing dry herbs differ from “smoking weeds”?
Vaporizers produce fewer toxins and do not produce ash compared to smoking. Their essential oils are cooked by the plant and not burned off. Vaporizing is less harmful than smoking because you are not inhaling any chemicals associated with the burn. We even surveyed users to compare how they felt smoking and vaping if you wanted to read feedback from real users.
Why does dry herb vape better for you than smoking weed or vaping oil?
Vaporizers are less harmful compared to smoking because the plant material does not reach a temperature high enough to release all of the toxins associated with combustion. Information on the correct evaporation temperatures can be found in our evaporator temperature overview.
What was the moment you wanted to get into the cannabis room?
I worked as a consultant and considered leaving the corporate world in 2010 to pursue a career in the vaporizer field. In 2009, I was selling vaporizers out of the trunk of my car during lunch breaks.
The majority of the people I met assumed that I had gone crazy, but I was able to control my own destiny. Nariman my brother and Pari my sister were my only supporters at the time, and now Nariman is the Chief Product Officer and Pari is the Chief Operations Officer for Europe. I’ve been fortunate to find siblings who are absolute superstars in their respective fields.
I’ve always had an active lifestyle and tried to make a positive impact on the cannabis industry which is why I’m a big fan of vaporizers and vaporization. I try to live the good life possible, and vaporization is a less harmful way of consuming cannabis than smoking. Vaporizers are items that you should feel safe selling. Our consumers love us because our names are ingrained in their daily life and I can do what I enjoy.
What advice would you give to someone just starting out in the cannabis room?
I would highly recommend not going into the core of any segment. There are well-funded and experienced companies that take this place. Competing with them will be difficult, but possible. However, it is not the best use of resources. The best use of resources offers the least resistance for the highest reward. New companies can emerge in the periphery. You need to pick a niche that is big enough to grow into and small enough that the big players don’t care.
Biggest mistake you made when starting your vaporizer company?
Sometimes I was impatient and sometimes I didn’t provide staff quickly enough. My lack of patience has its advantages as many entrepreneurs are like that. It makes us move faster than others and expect more from the world around us, but at other times I’ve been totally busy chasing a mirage. I would invest a lot of time chasing something that was just too far away for the stage I was in with the company. This effectively got me to focus away from the core business and into the periphery of the business. It took me 7-8 years to realize this and focus on the macro rather than the next best idea to make a big transformation.
When do you think we will see full legalization of cannabis?
In the US, I don’t think it’s far away. I would be surprised if the current US president’s first term ends without legalization, but even if it does, it will certainly be the second term. One can already see that certain Democrats have risen to become champions and the positive impact on their careers will show in due course. These are millions of voters sitting there ready to flock to either party. These are voters who historically felt alienated from politics when no one listened to them. Now they just sit there and wait for a politician to follow suit. The name of this politician will be immortalized in history. We see here in Canada that many in the cannabis sector have become loyal liberal supporters. Of course, that will wear off over time, but I think it would be wise for the Democrats to take the opportunity to attract a sizeable electoral base who are passionate about legalization.
What’s the best way for people to contact you or order a herbal dry vaporizer? E-mail? Website?
Our website tvape.com has a wide variety of vaporizers to choose from. They have been extensively categorized for ease of understanding by the user. We also have a promotions page that lists all of the promotions and offers.
At the forefront, our team of sales professionals are always keen to answer questions, solve challenges, and provide guidance to help customers make the best possible purchase decision for a product that changes not only preferences, but life choices too. We’re constantly innovating, working together, and refining our methods to deliver a more refined experience for our customers.
What is your favorite type of dry herb that you pack your vaporizer with?
My favorite strain has to be Purple Haze. It works best with the Zeus Arc GT, a vaporizer designed solely for the consumption of dry herbs. Purple Haze is a Sativa dominant hybrid made by mixing Purple Thai and Haze strains. With a high THC content and berry flavor, this stunning berry flavored strain will give you a mental boost. Because of its energizing, uplifting, and euphoric effects, this strain is ideal for vape enthusiasts.
What are dry herb vaporizers and why are they to be beaten clean?
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