The different guidelines for marijuana pesticide testing
As Rhode Island prepares for its recreational sales debut this December, it now requires that all of its cannabis pesticide tests pass. This process is common as almost all legal states have some form of pesticide testing. However, since cannabis is illegal at the federal level, one has to wonder how rigorous these tests are.
Since marijuana isn’t technically a food product or even controlled by any federal agency, one has to wonder exactly what type of pesticides we’re consuming with our recreational and even medicinal marijuana. The answer, just like marijuana policy in general, is that it varies greatly from state to state.
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Arizona is a good example of how some states handle pesticide oversight. The state of Arizona noted that testing for pesticides in marijuana is essential before it hits shelves, “but unlike other states, regulators here don’t do their own testing to make sure it’s safe,” he wrote AZ headquarters. The state has its marijuana tested by a third party that has complete confidence in that outside company for accurate and reliable information. This is not an uncommon practice, as marijuana policy is still enjoying its “wild west” phase in many newly legalized states.
The fact is, pesticide testing varies greatly from state to state. in oneStudy 2021, “Six states imposed the most stringent US EPA food tolerances (i.e., maximum residue limits) for up to 400 pesticide active ingredients in cannabis, while pesticide testing was optional in three states.” depending on which jurisdiction they came from.
The main reason for this inconsistency lies in the fact that the main agency that regulates and oversees the use of pesticides in the US is not currently involved in the regulation of marijuana pesticides at all. According to that EPA, they have not registered any pesticides for marijuana. This is because, as a federal organization, they cannot set guidelines for a substance that is considered a Schedule 1 drug. Instead, responsibility and authority is left to the states that have legalized marijuana.
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These decisions aren’t always easy, and state legislatures must make their own guidelines based on very little testing and history. According to that Environmentally healthy perspective (EHP), “These states have had to make difficult decisions to regulate the use of potentially harmful chemicals on cannabis plants without utilizing the kind of rigorous data that typically informs pesticide policies.” While many states mirror their policies after those that are rigorous and have worked for other things like food safety, the fact is that regulating marijuana pesticides is a very new science.
Further testing of pesticides used to grow marijuana is one way to ensure all consumers are protected from harmful chemicals. Even without federal legalization, with continued research and rigorous pesticide testing, the legal products on the shelf should be safe for everyone to consume. After all, it’s an organic attraction that makes marijuana appealing to so many. Therefore, the crucial states do everything to preserve their holy, pure and natural reputation.
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