The cannabis testing lab problem

Cannabis quality testing is required in all countries where legalization has taken place.

Laboratory testing is an integral part of the cannabis legal landscape. Any cannabis product purchased from a licensed facility must now pass a series of tests conducted by a federally accredited laboratory. These tests help ensure that the products are safe to take and easy to dose.

Lab tests primarily look for THC and CBD potency and levels, pesticide residues, unwanted contaminants, and the presence of mycotoxins like mold and mildew. Additional tests can be performed to determine terpene concentration, although they are not required. Each test requires the use of special equipment and methods, which must be performed by thoroughly trained and licensed specialists.


The cannabis laboratory testing sector is primarily concerned with compliance data – all of the testing methods specified by a state’s regulatory agency that must be performed on a cannabis product before it can be distributed or sold. When a cannabis product “meets compliance,” it means it meets the state’s criteria for pesticides, contaminants, mold, and mildew.

In order to generate the data required by each state’s regulatory agencies, accredited laboratories must use correct analytical methods. Most labs perform a set of core tests, but there is no global standard and each state has its own set of standards.

Laboratories are typically third-party companies that go through an accreditation program and are required to provide compliance data to the regulator in their jurisdiction. Cannabis manufacturers need this compliance information in order for their goods to be lawfully sold and distributed.

Laboratory accreditation is essential as it ensures facilities have sufficient testing equipment. and that technicians have received appropriate education and training. This includes well-trained chemists and microbiologists who are professionals in analytical chromatography.


According to industry sources, one of the problems faced by the cannabis testing sector is a lack of standards, which threatens consumer confidence in cannabis products and complicates the work of some testing organizations.

But testing lab professionals and regulators argue the problems don’t end there.

According to industry officials, several marijuana companies, such as growers, processors, and manufacturers, are looking for labs that can provide the THC concentration and contaminant results they need.

Some cannabis companies are said to be providing samples of their marijuana that have been contaminated with spray-on cannabis oil or coated with THC crystals to give the appearance of higher THC levels, among other things.

Meanwhile, regulators are shutting down testing facilities for allegedly reporting results that don’t match audits.

The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) has suspended Praxis Laboratory’s license for allegedly tampering with test results on over 1,200 cannabis samples by reporting higher levels of THC than tests found.

Effective immediately, the Centralia, Washington-based lab has been suspended. State inspectors will seek to permanently terminate the lab’s license while it is closed.

“Throughout the investigation, the laboratory owner attempted to remove evidence of inaccurate data in order to impede (the agency’s) ability to conduct a full investigation,” the LCB said in a press release.

In a statement to Marijuana Business Daily, Praxis explained that the LCB’s decision was “erroneous and based on incorrect information.” The lab is appealing the decision.

In a separate message circulated to the Washington state cannabis community via social media, the company stated, “This is a clear case of malfeasance and defamation and we will pursue legal action immediately.”

Accordingly, a disgruntled former employee stole data from the facility and then informed the supervisory authorities.

Cannabis labs have been shut down by regulators in other countries due to erroneous or misleading test results.


THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the most well-known cannabinoid in cannabis, but it’s not the only one that matters. Although CBD (cannabidiol) and other cannabinoids may have health benefits of their own, many regulators only require testing for THC levels.

Cannabis products must pass a series of tests to be compliant. potency test. When it comes to dosing, accurate potency labeling on marijuana products is critical. Potency tests determine how much CBD and THC is present in a given product and can come in a variety of formats.

Testing for pollutants. Cannabis products pass through numerous hands before reaching the retail shelf, and contaminants can enter from a number of sources.

Impurities that are chemical in nature. Plants can be exposed to a variety of pesticides and other substances such as artificial growth hormones during cultivation, which can be harmful if consumed. Government regulators have lists of banned pesticides, and products must be free of them in order to be compliant and make it to the pharmacy.

Because some concentrates and extracts introduce solvents during the extraction process, residual solvents such as butane, xylene, and ethanol must be tested. Small amounts of residual solvent are permitted in a product, but not exceeded. These levels differ from one state to the next.

Contamination by microorganisms. Water and microbiological pollutants are inextricably linked. The presence of mycotoxins in cannabis, such as fungus, mold, and mildew, can be fatal if consumed, particularly for those with pre-existing medical conditions or a compromised immune system.

Microbial contamination is mostly a problem during production but can also occur during handling and packaging due to staff hygiene. Although mold and fungi are the main concerns, germs like salmonella and E. coli can also be present and dangerous to eat.


The cannabis industry relies heavily on laboratory testing to ensure its products are safe to consume and comply with legal requirements. However, due to a lack of standards and the possibility of tampering by some cannabis companies, questions remain about the accuracy and reliability of test results. While THC potency is often the focus of testing, checking for contaminants, including chemical and microbiological, is crucial to ensure products are safe for users. The industry’s ability to improve the legitimacy and reliability of cannabis testing will ultimately depend on overcoming these issues and developing higher standards.




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