The Best Ways to Detox After Halloween

Halloween makes you think of many things, most of them sweet and sweet. October 31st is one of those days where we give ourselves a license to overindulge, even if we end up eating all the candy and chocolates around us. Consider it the beginning of preparing for Thanksgiving. Here are the best ways to detox after Halloween!

Let go of the guilt

So you ate everything that was within reach and now you feel extremely guilty and sorry for yourself. What happened, happened, and the quicker you realize that, the quicker you can get back on track. Remember that more holidays are coming and the door will be opened to many temptations. The sooner you get over your Halloween-induced grogginess, the better off you’ll be.

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Photo by Flickr user slgckgc

Drink tons of water

Water is always important, but even more so when your body is full of sodium and sugar and your body feels very bloated. Drinking water will help cleanse your body and make you feel energized, which you need if you overeat or consumed alcohol the day before.

Don’t skip meals

While some may think that skipping meals is a good idea after eating so much the day before, most experts disagree. To keep your metabolism going, you need to eat. It’s also likely that if you ate a lot the night before, you’ll feel pretty strong cravings as soon as you wake up. Look for meals that contain vegetables and a good portion of lean protein. Eat as cleanly as possible, but don’t forget to do it.

RELATED: 5 Spooky Things to Make with Leftover Halloween Candy

Even Charlie Brown wouldn't fall for this Halloween mythPhoto by pixel1 via Pixabay


While exercise is the best thing you can do to ease your conscience and get your body back on track, exercise also helps a lot. Try walking and exercising more than usual to stimulate your digestive system and improve your mood.

Take a 5 day sugar break

If your Halloween indulgence wasn’t limited to October 31st, celebrity trainer Jackie Warner believes a five-day sugar break may be the best way to get back on track. While explaining the program, she says, “On the third day of no sugar, these people are grumpy. On Wednesday I can totally see that they have a habit and are craving sugar. And then on Thursday, Friday, the fourth and fifth days, the craving for sugar stops completely.”

RELATED: How Much Candy Does It Take to Kill You?

American toddlers eat more sugar than recommended for adultsPhoto from

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