The best tips for making your knees look better

Some things give away your age… hands, eyes and knees… here are some tips to help them look fresh again!

Fine lines are one thing, they are wrinkles that form on or around the knees over time. The global net worth of the beauty industry is estimated to be half a trillion dollars in 2022. Taking care of your skin from head to toe is crucial as people strive for lasting youth. Two parts of the body are particularly difficult when it comes to maintaining youthful looks as you age. Hands are one of them, you have to start early to make sure they age slowly. The second is the knees… and here are the best tips to make them look better.

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As with the hands, repetition is the problem here. Similar to laugh lines around the eyes, constant strain and movement wear out the area around the knee. Sagging, wrinkled and drooping skin is caused by the daily strain on the knees.

Good practical health/beauty routines are the foundation of keeping your body flexible and supple. Hydration is the first big step to looking younger all around. It improves skin elasticity, making wrinkles and fine lines less visible. Dehydrated skin is more susceptible to sunburn and other forms of UV damage. Hydration can help protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.

Another important factor is weight control. Extra weight puts more stress on the knees, which can lead to more strain and wear and tear. It can also stretch the skin in a way that may be irreversible.

Regular exfoliation and a daily deep moisturizer will improve skin texture and make knees look younger. Applying sunscreen to legs whenever they are exposed to the sun will keep them looking fresh.

Choosing exercises that build toned, healthy muscles in the legs can also help tone the area just above the knees. Try leg stretches, yoga, or Pilates to build muscle in the legs and support your knee joints. This will not only improve the appearance of the legs, but also overall health.

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Some people take the next step and see a doctor. Injections and other treatments can improve appearance for a time. Some have considered surgery.

You never know if you're flirting with someone who suffers from crurophilia, which is the correct term for leg fetishism. Sufferers may feel a sexual attraction to certain parts of the body, such as the knees, thighs, shins, calves, or ankles.

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