The best kibbles for keto, paleo and vegan diets

Think about the last stoner comedy you saw: In between their prolific smoking sessions and slapstick antics, did any of the characters ever stop to eat a veg? The ongoing stoner myth puts cannabis users at odds with health and wellness, but research supports the idea that people who smoke cannabis enjoy exercise.

In fact, Leafly has previously reported on growing research suggesting that cannabis can positively impact users’ metabolism and that regular cannabis users have lower obesity rates and lower BMIs than non-users.

At the start of the new year, many people make changes in their diet, such as: B. Incorporating more sustainable nutrients into their daily meals and limiting processed foods and sugars. While ketogenic, paleo, and vegan diets may seem exotic, they often provide helpful guidelines for developing consistent and healthy approaches to feeding the body.

Don’t let the word “diet” fool you — you can still enjoy an abundance of munchies without feeling like you’re compromising your health and well-being. Here are some stoner snacks to enjoy and fuel up when you’re ready to try a keto, paleo, or vegan diet.

The best keto munchies to munch on when you’re stoned

“Keto” is an acronym for the ketogenic diet, a diet that requires high-fat and moderate protein intake while minimizing carbohydrates. When the body doesn’t have carbohydrates to burn, our primary source of energy, it enters ketosis and begins burning fat for energy.

Many people are trying keto to lose weight, but it’s also recommended for helping children with conditions like epilepsy. Keep in mind that the keto diet makes it harder to get all the nutrients you need on a daily basis because fruits and vegetables are high in carbohydrates and not fat. Balance is the key.

Sausage board (without fruit and crackers)

Sausage board with cheese and olives(KCULP/Adobe Stock)

The renaissance of sausage arrangements may be waning, but they’re still an easy, keto-approved pick-me-up for in-between meals. While crackers, bread, and fruit (including jams and jellies) all contain significant carbohydrates and sugar, the key players in the charcuterie board all pass the muster. Have your favorite cheeses, cold cuts, olives, and certain low-carb nuts (pecan, macadamia) ready to munch on after your favorite flavor has worked.

If you’re feeling extra inspired, you can put all of those finger foods on a keto-friendly cannabis butter board!

Chips and guac

Avocados are a star in keto diets; Chips, not so much. But these days, you can find plenty of protein-based chip alternatives on the market if you’re craving something salty and savory, and you can even make your own keto tortilla chips. Let the hint of lime and the sharp crunch of your keto-approved chip satisfy your carb cravings.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Fat Bombs

Don’t be put off by the name! We’ve all fallen prey to the late-night sweet tooth that pulls up its ugly molar to drag us into the kitchen for all sorts of glucose supplies, and being stoned adds to the temptation. When you need something sweet and quick but don’t want to break ketosis, these easy-to-make “fat bombs” pack sweetness, saltiness, and satiety into a handful of ingredients, including peanut butter, coconut oil, and unsweetened baking chocolate, all of which have minimal sweeteners and just a few grams of carbs contain.

Best paleo munchies when stoned

The paleo diet reflects how people ate about 20,000 years ago during the Paleolithic period, also known as the Stone Age. The diet focuses on meat, nuts, fish, eggs, and wild fruits and vegetables that were available before humans began agricultural production. It omits grains, legumes, breads, sugar, processed foods, and dairy. People follow a Paleo diet to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes and to lose weight.

Nut and trail mix

Travel back to the days of the hunter-gatherers by munching on some nuts and seeds. Nut mixes and trail mixes offer respite from salty cravings, and most ranges in stores are paleo-friendly. Just make sure the mix you choose doesn’t contain any oats or grains and ideally no chocolate chips. Dried fruit is fine.

Biltong or beef jerky

shaved biltong jerky snack(gillianvann/Adobe Stock)

Meat was once a wholesome meal for people around the world. After years of scientific research, it’s become more apparent that maybe it shouldn’t be. Still, protein was always a big part of the human diet before agriculture and common carbohydrates came along. Biltong is essentially seasoned beef jerky with a South African twist, prepared so that the end product is leaner and retains more moisture than a slim jim. These snacks are a great way to fuel up between meals when you’re feeling hungry.

fruit salad

Fruit salad bowl of kiwi berries(Pilipphoto/Adobe Stock)

When you’re craving a sweet treat, do as our ancestors did and munch on some fruit. For millennia, humans had no consistent source of sugar. But in modern times, study after study shows that people are now consuming far too much sugar, which can lead to an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and even memory problems. Our ancestors used to eat fruit for a glucose fix, so cut up your favorite apples, peel some oranges and throw in some berries.

Best vegan kibble when stoned

Veganism is a diet that excludes any food or food product derived from animals, even if raised or harvested through ethical means. That means no meat, dairy, eggs, bones, broth, honey, or gelatin. Veganism relies on plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, grains and products made from plants. Modern veganism is often a response to the waste and cruelty of factory farming, and some people may choose veganism for health reasons or allergies.


Surprised? One of the most versatile cookies out there is also vegan — the frosting and cookie halves contain no animal products. Oreos are affordable, accessible, and come in a variety of types to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch and other delicious cereals

Set of different cereals on white background.  20 bowls with cornflakes, kasha, cereal and berries.  the concept of breakfast eating.  flat lay, top view(EvgeniiAnd/Adobe Stock)

In almost every stoner movie or TV show, the main character eats cereal at some point. That bodes well for vegans – most cereals are vegan. By replacing cow’s milk with plant-based alternatives (oat, soy, almond, hemp, etc.), you can satisfy your sweet tooth in true Harold and Kumar fashion.

chips and salsa

Many of these snacks reflect sugary and processed cravings, but there are plenty of healthy vegan snacks — in fact, most paleo and keto snacks are vegan too. To avoid sugar, the classic combination of tortilla chips and your choice of salsa makes a great fresh snack.

Amelie Williams

New York-based freelance cannabis journalist Amelia Williams is a graduate of San Francisco State University’s journalism program and a former budtender. Williams has contributed to GreenState, MG Magazine, Culture Magazine and Cannabis Now, Kirkus Reviews and The Bold Italic of the San Francisco Chronicle.

Check out Amelia Williams’ articles

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