The 7 most important steps to successfully growing cannabis outdoors

Cannabis growers will agree that the best experience growing cannabis outdoors is growing and supervising.

This is an excellent time to prepare your plants for the outdoor experience, and to do so successfully you need the most fail-safe tips and strategies. Here are the seven best ways you can have a thriving outdoor marijuana garden.

Choose the right varieties

First, you need to decide which strain of cannabis you should grow. You want high but healthy yields and a stress-free harvest. The strain you choose should flower quickly, have good pest and mold resistance, have a great aroma, taste, and effect.

Climate check

Some strains do well in certain climates and some don’t. For example, the Blue Dream varieties are not ideal for places with high humidity and temperature. It can take up to 14 weeks to get into the flowering phase in a hot room. Indicas like OG Kush can flower in 7-10 weeks and prefer dry climates. Always think about the climate and which strain you will be using before planting. You can also use clones of plants that you got from a pharmacy.

Take space and ground into account.

When the seeds look like they’re growing, you’ll need to transplant the plants into the ground (your garden or open field is ideal) or transplant them into buckets. Think about the amount of sunlight the plants will get with either option, as you don’t want too much or too little sun.

If you plan to plant directly in the brine, test the pH of the soil first before doing this: the results should be 6.0-7.0. If you want to use buckets, do a soil pH and pollutant test, and think about what type of soil you want to use.

Get the plants out.

After a month, the seedlings will turn into small beautiful cannabis plants with a few leaves. Then you can transplant them again, but this time they are put into 5-10 gallon containers. Plants need enough space to spread, grow and dig up their roots. Simply dig a hole in the large container, turn the small pot with the plants in it, and blot the soil. Then water the container generously.

The fertilization and irrigation process

Organic fertilizers such as worm waste, fish meal, and compost are beneficial when added to the soil just before planting begins and during plant growth. All fertilizers and irrigation equipment can be purchased online and from gardening stores.

However, be careful with fertilizers as cannabis plants can die if overfertilized. Do not use soil with too much fertilizer as this can damage young plants. Water the plants according to your climate: if it rains, you may need perlite and gravel to keep fungi away. In dry climates, you may need to water the plants daily (especially in outdoor pots).

Keep pests at bay.

After all of your hard work with the planting process, you don’t want to leave everything to the pests, which is why pest control is mandatory. You also don’t want to rely on pesticides, especially when it’s so close to harvest time. But not using pesticides does not mean that you should allow living things to eat your cannabis plants.

One natural way to keep the pests out of the way is to use diatoms; This is effective on exoskeleton pests such as leafhoppers. Just sprinkle it around your plants and it will keep pests out. You can also grow other companion plants like marigold, basil, and rosemary: plants with natural repellants that are unattractive to pests.

Sex your plants

The sex of the plants is identified when they reach maturity. The plans to become either male or female will take place after a few months when they have achieved a good sun-dark ratio. The sun to dark ratio also triggers the bloom, and then you will know the genders.

The males have pods like popcorn seeds with the branch stem attached to the main stem. At the same time, the female has two small white hair rungs to get pollen.

To rejuvenate them, remove the male plants before they start pollinating, as this will allow the female to spend more energy making THC instead of seeds. If you don’t do this early enough, the male plants will go right ahead and pollinate the females, meaning you have seedless plants. The goal is to have plants with seeds, which means that the sexing of the plants must be done in a timely manner. When you start cloning, you have females.

Bottom line

To successfully grow your cannabis, you don’t need very expensive seeds either. Cannabis seeds can be sold for $ 10 per seed, and you can get them for a lot less if you buy a lot more seeds. Get clones in legal stores for just $ 15 for a clone. Pest control is a must when preparing for your outdoor garden, and a bag of your favorite pest control can cost $ 12 to $ 25.

Soil isn’t expensive, and you can get dirt for $ 8.99, which is the price for 16 Qtrs. (Please make sure it is organic oil). You will also need up to five packs of 10 gallon containers. The containers are $ 37.99 (you can get them on Amazon) and if 10 gallon containers are too big to start with, please get the 5 gallon container.

Fertilizers are essential, and a 15 pound sack of worm cast is ideal. The pouch can cost up to $ 19, while liquid fish manure (these contain algae) is great too; they go for $ 15-20. Don’t forget to get a pH meter to do a soil test with. These are available on Amazon for $ 10-20.

With tips on successfully planting and an insight into everything you need, you can be confident that you are ready to reap the rewards of a fantastic cannabis farming experience.







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