The 6 Senators Blocking Legal Marijuana for 328,000,000 Americans

Most Americans want to legalize recreational and / or medical marijuana. Scientific research shows its benefits. It has proven to be a viable business and states with decriminalized cannabis enjoy incredible revenues. Put simply, legalized marijuana is a formidable source of income that is recognized by most Americans and which really helps people’s health. Science and history have proven the effectiveness of cannabis. Yet several U.S. Senators will not be voting to legalize marijuana at the federal level and / or pass a law that allows banks to work with cannabis companies. Why? It makes no sense. A mystery indeed. Solving a riddle is always the focus of questions. Let’s start with the following:

Who will benefit from keeping marijuana as a Class 1 drug? Big Pharma is certainly one of them. After all, who needs their expensive addictive opioids when marijuana can relieve pain and relieve debilitating anxiety?

Let’s pull this thread a little and ask more questions.

Who would big drug companies want to talk to to protect their interests? Lo and behold, it is the people who make the law. And why do the people who make the laws listen to the big drug companies instead of the people they represent? Are they paid? And IF they are paid then why are legislators elected and stay in the office?

Now that’s a question WE must answer.

To answer this question, we investigate the usual suspects who deny income and potential jobs to those they represent.

Let’s look at Ted Cruz (R-TX) who said, “I think it’s an issue where reasonable people may disagree, and so every state should pass laws that reflect the values ​​of its citizens.” Hm. If he really thinks that states should be able to decide for themselves, why won’t the 64% approval make him choose to decriminalize cannabis? Perhaps the reason Ted Cruz is a staunch opponent of marijuana legalization is his plans to run for president in 2024. According to The Texas Politics Project at UT Austin, 72% of the most conservative Republicans oppose all marijuana use. Basically, Ted Cruz has to go to the base to start his bid for president. It’s also worth considering this fact: Senator Cruz received $ 1,897,718 during the 2020 election cycle.

Lindsey Graham (R-SC), on the other hand, is not running for president in 2024. However, Sen Graham does not support legalizing the federal cannabis ban, nor will he support cannabis companies using banks. Senator Graham has to answer to the Republican grassroots, which, like Texas, are strongly against the decriminalization of cannabis. Even more surprising, though, Senator Graham received $ 2,909.00 from the healthcare industry during the 2020 election[i]. While the “healthcare industry” sounds innocuous, it actually includes large pharmaceutical companies. In other words, Senator Graham will not bite the hand that feeds him – at the expense of the American’s well-being.

Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) stated in a 2014 press release: I remain firmly opposed to federal legalization of marijuana and legalization in the state of Idaho. I also do not support the SAFE Banking Act passed in the House of Representatives. This bill would offer banking services to a legitimate cannabis company. Without banking services, legal cannabis is less accessible to people who need it. Why should Senator Crapo restrict people’s access to legal cannabis? Is it because he received $ 362,241 from big drug companies in 2020? [1] Is it because he has political ambitions in 2024? Maybe. However, he is the senior member of the Finance Committee and a member of the Health Subcommittee.

Steve Hawkins, executive director of the DC-based Marijuana Policy Project, said in a recent interview that cannabis banking reform is critical to giving small businesses – including women and minority-owned companies – access to capital that Cannabis companies need them to run and grow.

Why Are Small Businesses Prevented From Thriving? It makes no sense. Who Will Benefit From Thriving Small Businesses? Not local business owners. Not our neighbors. Not the economy. Certainly not normal people. And yet, as we know, the majority of ordinary people support the legalization of cannabis.

Who are the other politicians who fail miserably in representing the needs of the people? There are some, and just like Star Wars Emperor Palpatine, they’re shrouded in mystery. Fortunately for us, the information age sheds light on these nefarious characters. Look at

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) claims to be moderate, but has failed to stand up for state rights over marijuana, even after her own voters approved a marijuana legalization initiative in 2016.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) says he supports medical marijuana, but only if it is done through the FDA process (which is not possible). Despite his opposition, Florida voters approved a medical marijuana initiative in 2016, showing Rubio is not keeping up with his voters.

Senator James Lankford (R-OK) doesn’t even claim to endorse medical marijuana, saying it is “detrimental to Oklahoma’s social fabric”.

Do these senators have ties to industries and sectors that do not serve your interests? Find out. Click and are one of the organizations that will help you help yourself. With these instruments, the time for cannabis legalization at the federal level is in sight. The House of Representatives has already passed the Safety Bank Act. It is up to us to target the remaining senators who don’t listen to us and answer the calls of big money and narcissistic political ambition. Go straight ahead. Ask questions and you’ll find out who got it Your back.








DID THE UN JUST VOTE to legalize weed for the rest of the world?

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