The 6 best games to play while high in 2023

Contemporary cannabis lovers and boho game lovers alike agree that stoned game nights are a unique treat, especially when the game in question is purely cannabis-themed.

Unlike other “mature” board and card games that require some concentration, scoring, rule compliance, and attention, stoner games are usually based on the premise that most, if not all, players are too high for this nonsense. In fact, the best stoner games don’t focus on strategy or high scores at all. The best stoner games focus on connection, are totally gambled and will make you laugh until you gasp and/or pee a little.

And while we’re still total pros at getting high and playing video games, in-person game nights with a few friends can also yield some delicious memories and inside jokes that’ll have you laughing about for years. Here are some of our own game night favorites.

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Suddenly stoned

This low stakes card game is super simple and can be played with or without scoring. The order is to draw a card and carry out the order, with the orders becoming more and more ridiculous as the players get rockier. Favorite cards, played with at least three players, include Hide and Seek, Guess the Time Correctly, and Reveal the Person on Your Left. Some cards encourage every player to participate, others contain solo, almost meditative tasks, depending on the player.

Bonus, the deck is about the size of a deck of playing cards, making it an easy game to pack almost anywhere.

Cards Against Humanity Weed Pack

In case you missed it, this generation’s ubiquitous party card game has a cannabis-themed expansion pack. And it’s a must-have addition to any pot enthusiast’s deck. The Weed Expansion Pack delivers signature CAH gameplay, but with herbaceous overtures and weedy implications that won’t fly too high over a teetotaler’s dome in case there are a few non-smokers at the party.

High standards

Weedmaps’ own contribution to the field of stoned gaming is High Standards, a card game developed in collaboration with Fitz Games. Unlike simple truth-or-dare-style card decks, High Standards is a faster-paced card game that features a variety of mini-games in its deck. Optimally, this game is played with 4-10 souped-up players who can expect mini-games like Pitch The Invention and What’s My Price? in addition to the required dare/trivia-style playing cards. Whether you’re planning on gifting it to your favorite game nerd or expanding your own board game case/closet/hollow stool, consider this game a necessity for stoner game night.


For pot-puffing players nostalgic for a candy-colored and whimsical game, Ganjaland reimagines Candyland through a decidedly stoned lens. The gameplay is simple enough to appeal to intoxicating smokers. Basically, characters run to a castle. They advance by drawing cards and either following instructions like “take a solo turn, close your eyes, make a wish, and advance five spaces” or complete more complicated action cards. For example, the “Where’s Weedo?” Maps require players to find details on the intricately detailed illustration of Ganjaland depicted on the game board.

Hot Box Cypress Hill Expansion Pack

Hot Box is a question-and-answer, fill-in-the-blank card game that’s an obvious reflection of Cards Against Humanity. But unlike CAH’s Weed Pack, Hot Box gets a gentle affirmation rather than an enthusiastic one. Many of the cards in the hot box set appear to have been written by people who don’t smoke weed on the pole and thus rely on antiquated tropes. However, there is a Cypress Hill expansion pack written by the group, and for superfans of the legendary hip-hop crew, this bonus feature is probably worth the price of admission.

420 – The card game

Another simple card game with extremely low stakes is 420 – The Card Game. Players can keep score or just play in rounds, and this game can be played with an intimate trio of friends or a room full of people. Similar to other card draw games aimed at stoners, the actions are designed to offer several hilarious moments that are especially good for the very stoners. There is one fun feature specific to this card game that is worth mentioning. Each card played represents either a point scored or lost, and players must score a hit for each point lost or gained. Ie every player scores after every move. Pro tip: maybe fill up your supply jars before starting a round of this game.

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