The 5 Rules To Avoid Getting Catched By The Police Smoking Weed – Stoner Code Revealed!
Previously I wrote about tips for illegal cannabis growers to avoid getting caught by the police. As a stoner growing up in the midst of cannabis prohibition, I was forced to learn the art of hiding stuff from the pigs to avoid getting arrested. Unfortunately, I was arrested on several occasions during my teenage years, but only for failing to live up to my own code on those occasions. In fact, all of those arrests helped me change my behavior until I reached a point where I either got old enough to fall off the police radar — or stopped looking like a bearded version of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.
Nonetheless, I was inspired for this article by a headline I read about four pounds of cannabis being seized by police in a box of good luck charms. Obviously this wasn’t a good idea for a number of reasons including;
The Weight – Lucky charms don’t weigh much…at least not a full pound.
The smell – when you have something awesome you have to be very careful about the smell. In this particular story, they were vacuum sealed – they didn’t do their job well enough as drug dogs tracked them down.
Sending it in the mail – after all, sending a box of good luck charms is suspicious enough that they very well could have mailed a box labeled “Not Weed” and arguably had the same level of effectiveness…unless – it was one Bait!
While this article isn’t about smuggling cannabis in cereal boxes, it’s about the code I developed when I was a stoner on the street hiding from the 5-0. The War on Drugs was in full swing, stoners were being hunted down by law enforcement as they are easy targets who are not violent yet would still be considered “solving a crime” if they caught you. With monetary compensation for their quotas, the cops found stoners to be their bread and butter for nearly five decades.
During these tough times, the stoner had to evolve to avoid detection. They’ve created codes to communicate, found new and unique ways to stash their… “stashes” and how to properly dispose of contraband to lighten the weight of the penalty because they can’t charge you with drug possession, there ain’t no drugs!
Maybe drunkenness…but that’s a minor crime stoners have had to contend with.
Anyway, here are a few things to keep in mind if you’re consuming in public, in an illegal state, or anywhere where it’s against the law to have weed on you. I also speak publicly about parks, hiking trails, scenic spots, etc.
NOTICE: The following portion of this blog is not intended as an encouragement to break the law. If you do so, it is 100% your responsibility. This blog post is intended as an educational mechanism that reflects on the actions that so many of us have endured under the full weight of unjust laws that violated our individual agency. Plus, none of these stealth techniques are guaranteed to escape detection—the stoner’s philosophy is more along the lines of, “If you’re going to pick me up… I’ll make it as hard as I can!”
Rule 1: Don’t be a fucking idiot!
The first rule to avoid getting caught is don’t be “A F’ing MORON!” I would use a more eloquent term, but this is the scientific definition most linguists agree on. If you are using cannabis in a public place or using a drug that is against the law, this is the best thing to consider
1- What medication you are taking
2 – Who do you take it with?
3 – Where are you taking it?
4 – How long is the trip?
5 – Can I act cool when the pigs roll by?
6 – How likely is that?
Of course, there are many other things to consider, but for most illicit drug users, if you’re not “clear” on at least 80% of the questions on the list – and still decide to jump into the event blindly …then you are probably a F’ing MORON! The likelihood of something unfortunate happening increases significantly if you don’t take these factors into account, especially if you use psychedelics.
Once you have a clear idea of who is what and where, it’s time to get your own shit in order.
Rule 2: Carry as much as you can eat…
You never want to have more than you can eat – it’s not worth the risk. Ideally, if you smoke in public with the possibility of being arrested, you should be able to pick up whatever you do, put it in your mouth, sip water and swallow.
If it’s weed you won’t need more than a little bud or two and if you’re smoking with others – you should prefer. If you’re smoking a pipe, it’s a little more difficult…which leads to the next rule.
Rule 3: Be Agree to Give It All Up…
Don’t take your $300 vaporizer out to smoke somewhere the police can confiscate. Better go with disposable crap that you have absolutely no emotional connection to. It’s much better walking around with $20 worth of good weed than walking around with 200 ounces of Fire Weed.
When push comes to shove, you should dispose of the contraband as soon as you know you’re screwed. This opportunity usually comes in a very small window, meaning you never have to “think” about what you’re doing. When the time comes, throw away anything that can be used to increase the burden of the law against you… if you can throw it away without getting caught, of course. Throwing it out of a moving car while the cops are after you won’t work.
Rule 4: Watch your existence…
You never want to “get lost” in the moment. Sure, you might want to enjoy the moment, but always stay alert to your existence. You need to be able to scout a cop from afar to drop things and get your stories straight. If they suddenly show up, you’re screwed!
Rule 5: keep calm…
The first thing cops do to figure out if you’re breaking the law is to read your body language. If you’re baked – dealing with cops is definitely a buzz kill. You want them to leave as soon as possible, which means you’re nervous about their presence. “What if…” runs through your mind and you start tripping over your words.
It’s best to keep as quiet as possible, only answering the questions they ask you – don’t give them anything else. A simple “hang out…” is enough. “Yes, sir/mam” or “No, Officer” are also valid answers. Look between her eyes, just above the bridge of her nose to simulate eye contact. That way, you don’t give away how you’re feeling through direct eye contact.
If you did your due diligence, they might not find anything incriminating and would be on their way.
Last words:
To be honest I’m only scratching the surface of the codes we developed during my Younger Daze. Still, these five points should be able to reduce the instances of cops ruining your trips.
If you want to know more about it, let me know in the comments or contact me on Minds.
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