The 5 most common questions consumers ask about cannabis
Almost today Half of Americans live in states with legal adult access to cannabis. Medical marijuana is now legal in 38 states and sale to adults is legal in 18 states.
Since the beginning of my career, I’ve answered thousands of cannabis-related consumer questions, from the simplest to the most absurd. There are no dumb or silly questions as interest in them grows as an additional tool to help patients.
It’s more important than ever that people know the facts about cannabis and understand how to use it safely and effectively. Based on my experience as a nurse and as the CEO of Sheet411here are the most frequently asked questions.
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Q: What is the best way to consume cannabis to combat chronic pain?
Chronic pain is challenging and there is no quick or easy fix. The goal when introducing cannabis should be to consume an amount that relieves pain so you can continue with your daily activities.
Additionally, some people want to reduce the amount of opioids they take to limit side effects they may experience. We’ve seen positive results in patients using a layering approach with their cannabis. This means targeting both your internal and external source of pain whenever possible.
For example, if you have back pain, the most beneficial thing would be to take an oral product 24/7 to combat internal inflammation that could be causing some of the pain. Between doses, apply a topical product to treat the muscles around the painful area.
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A third level of relief to consider would be to include something for breakthrough pain. This is typically a product that kicks in quickly within minutes. Sometimes vaping flower is a good solution for this purpose.
Q: How can cannabis help with my cancer diagnosis?
There are two ways to include cannabis in your cancer diagnosis. They either want to treat the symptoms or try to treat the disease. These are two very different approaches.
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Although there is limited data supporting the use of cannabis as a first-line treatment for cancer-related symptoms, many patients use it to relieve anxiety, pain, nausea, and insomnia that often accompany a cancer diagnosis and subsequent chemotherapy.
Overall, there are several studies that suggest that THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, can be effective in treating nausea, pain, loss of appetite, insomnia, anxiety, and inflammation—all of which can be side effects of chemotherapy. There’s no way to know for sure if cannabis will help with your symptoms until you try it.
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If you want to find out the options for treating the actual disease, you absolutely must place yourself in the care of a cannabis clinician. There is no evidence that cannabis can cure or effectively treat cancer. For those looking to use cannabis as a treatment, it’s important to note that the doses are much higher than treating your symptoms.
Working with a highly qualified cannabis clinician ensures you are ready to consume higher doses safely and effectively. Many cancer patients experience significant relief from cannabis use once they have found the best consumption method and dose that works for them without compromising the effectiveness of the cancer treatment.
Q: How do I know what the right “dose” is for me?
It can be very easy to consume too much, even if you are an experienced cannabis user, so we’re a quick reminder to people that you can always take more, but you can’t take less once you’ve used too much.
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For beginners, we always recommend starting out with just a quarter of the recommended serving size. If it is an inhalable product, start with just a short inhalation. Then we recommend waiting a full two hours before repeating the dose. The wait for the second dose may seem like a long time, but please remember that everyone’s metabolism reacts differently to cannabis, so no one should judge their experience based on a friend’s experience.
Use the buddy system with someone you can trust and who can help you with problems. Be careful not to drink while using cannabis and of course not to use and drive.
Q: How can cannabis affect my sleep?
Cannabis can be used for those who have trouble falling asleep and those who have trouble staying asleep, or both. When someone has trouble falling asleep, but continues to sleep when they’re down, we’ve seen success with fast-acting products. This can be a flower inhaled via vaporization or one of the many edible, tincture or capsule products that have a rapid onset of action.
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For those who can fall asleep quickly but wake up too early, we’ve seen success with a long-lasting edible product. These include gummies, capsules, oils, etc. These types of products typically stay in your system for around 6-8 hours. The key to sleeping well is timing. You should make sure you take your product an hour before your head hits the pillow. You want to make sure you’ve had nice, healthy fat either before or even while taking this product.
Cannabis is a fat-soluble molecule, meaning it loves fat. It will have a better chance of being absorbed by your system and staying in your system if you take it with a healthy fat like peanut butter, yogurt, cheese, avocado, etc.
Q: What should I do if I consume too much?
When you realize you’ve been consuming too much, one of the most basic and important things to remember is to stay hydrated. We recommend people stay with a friend, preferably sober, where they feel safe and familiar. Get comfortable in bed or on a couch and take a nap or watch a movie or TV show to distract yourself.
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It is a myth that taking CBD counteracts the high from THC. When combined with THC, CBD can decrease the effects of THC, but not after it has already been consumed.
With cannabis becoming more accessible, it is more important than ever that consumers and patients also have access to objective, evidence-based information about cannabis use and health concerns. If you have a question or concern about cannabis this 4/20 season, consult a knowledgeable cannabis clinician and/or contact Leaf411 nurses for guidance and resources.
Katherine Golden, RN, is the CEO, executive director, and founder of Leaf411, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2019 with the mission of providing education and guidance to the general public about the safe and effective use of legal Cannabis to offer (marijuana and hemp). Katherine has been a registered nurse for more than 26 years and received her Associates of Science degree in Nursing from El Camino College School of Nursing in Torrance, California. For more information or to schedule a consultation with a Cannabis Certified Nurse, call 844-LEAF411 (844-532-3411) or visit us leaf411.org.
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