THC detox kits or detox drinks: which solution suits you?
So you want to detox yourself from the weeds, but you are not sure what the best way forward might be. Do not worry; You are in the right place. Whether you need to know how to pass a drug test for work, take a tolerance break, or just want to clean out your toxin system, there is an opportunity to detoxify effectively.
Understanding how THC interacts with your body is important in deciding how best to fight your detox. The THC in cannabis is fat soluble, which means it is stored in your fat cells and organs. Our metabolism, weight, and frequency of use determine what a successful THC cleanse looks like.
Most people take between four and six weeks between their last use of marijuana for traces of THC to naturally completely leave the body. This of course depends on the factors mentioned above, but in general, the more frequent and concentrated cannabis use and higher body fat levels mean more time for traces of THC to leave your system. In contrast, less frequent use and lower body fat levels usually mean shorter cleaning time to rid your system of unwanted toxins.
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Each detox scenario is unique, but you don’t have to do it alone. PassYourTest.com has been helping people remove toxins from their systems for the last 20 years in order to achieve their cleaning goals. Whether you need to detox in a specific or short amount of time, or just need help resetting your system and cleaning up unwanted toxins, PassYourTest.com has a solution for you.
Detox Drinks Versus Detox Kits, What’s the Difference?
The first step in your weed detox journey is finding the right product. PYT offers two product categories: detox drinks and detox kits. Detox drinks act quickly and give you a window to pass a test in. Detox kits, on the other hand, ensure permanent cleaning over several days.
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The detox kit also includes several home test kits so you can be sure that you will pass the test. In other words, whatever your situation, there is a PassYourTest.com product for you!
When to use detox drinks
Many people don’t have the luxury of knowing when to be tested, so they need a product that works quickly. If you don’t have time for five or ten days of permanent cleansing, detox drinks are the perfect product for you.
Detox drinks are designed to work in 90 minutes. They deliver a clean result for six hours. Made up of a liquid, concentrated detox drink and detox capsules, these products are an easy way to ensure you get the result you want – even when faced with a short span of time.
The best detox drinks for you
In order to find the best detox drink for you, PYT offers a list of criteria to guide you in the right direction. Detox is not a one-size-fits-all situation, so PYT makes sure you have all the resources you need to feel confident about your product choices.
For example, people with daily exposure, weighing over 200 pounds, high body fat, or exposure to concentrated toxins want the most potent detox option. In this case, the Fail Safe Kit is the best product for effective same-day cleaning.
For those with moderate exposure who weigh less than 200 pounds and have moderate body fat, consider using the clean shot. This option isn’t quite as intense as the Fail Safe Kit, but it still gets the job done.
Courtesy PassYourTest.com
When should detox kits or pills be used?
If you’re one of the lucky people who knows when your test is coming, detox kits are the perfect product to help you meet your cleansing goals. Each kit works with your body’s natural detoxification process to expedite permanent cleansing.
This means that after you complete a detox with a PYT kit, the window you can test cleanse for will be open until you are exposed again. You don’t have to worry about missing out on your chance because you are running out of time.
And the home test kits (included in each kit) give you that extra sense of confidence that no surprising result is waiting for you. The home test kits allow you to step into your test knowing that you have already passed.
The best detox kit and pill options for you
PYT’s 10 Day Detox Kit is designed to provide heavy duty cleanup for heavy users or those over 250 pounds. It’s the most thorough detox option. This kit contains four formula capsules before cleaning, 60 formula capsules for morning time, 60 formula capsules for evening time and 8 formula capsules for post-cleaning. And that’s not all!
The kit also includes cleaning instructions, a meal plan, phone / chat support to answer all your questions, optional text and email reminders to help you maintain your detox goals, and three home test kits. Everything you need to succeed with your THC detox is included.
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If you don’t have ten days to cleanse THC, you are under 250 pounds and you are only moderately exposed to the toxins that you are cleansing. You are looking for PYT’s 5 Day Detox Kit. The 5-day detox kit contains the formula capsules before cleansing, the daily capsules with herbal supplements and the formula capsules after the cleansing.
Courtesy PassYourTest.com
In addition to the capsules, you will receive the same cleaning instructions, meal plans, support and home test kits that are included in the 10-day kit. With over 250,000 customers who have used this product, it’s easy to see why this is PYT’s most popular detox product.
Check out the Leafly Review of the Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox Kit
Make sure you pass your test
There will be times when you have the luxury of knowing when a test is coming and sometimes you don’t. Some seasons are more exposed than others and our bodies are always in constant flux. It makes sense to have a game plan with all of these variables in mind, especially when your livelihood is at stake.
That is why PassYourTest.com offers a cleaning solution for every situation. You can do a five or ten day clean if you have the time, and you can make a backup that will clean your system for a few hours on the same day. Rest assured, with a 100% guarantee on every PYT product, you can be sure your detox will go smoothly.
PassYourTest.com has been helping people achieve their cleaning goals successfully for 20 years. Whether you need to detox of THC within a few hours or over several days, PYT offers a product that is guaranteed to get the job done every time you need it.
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