Texas decriminalizes cannabis? – Hemp | weed | marijuana
Texas is one step closer to decriminalizing cannabis. House Bill 218, supported unanimously, passed last week by a vote of 9-0.
Texas Decriminalization Act removes arrest and jail time for petty cannabis possession. It also allows the eventual deletion of recordings.
This isn’t the first time Texas has attempted to decriminalize cannabis. In 2019 and 2021, the House of Representatives passed legislation decriminalizing cannabis. The Senate, led by Lt. gov. Dan Patrick, shot down both bills.
Support for the decriminalization of cannabis in Texas
According to a recent poll, nearly 75% of Texans support decriminalizing cannabis. More than half think cannabis should be completely legal. Only 17% of Texans support current criminal sanctions.
As it stands, House Bill 218 makes possession of an ounce a misdemeanor with a maximum fine of $500 and zero jail time. Currently, being caught with an ounce in Texas carries a $2,000 fine and up to 180 days in prison.
By law, if the police catch you with two ounces, they won’t arrest you, and you can erase the resulting criminal record for a $30 fee.
Seems easier to legalize.
Texas’ efforts to decriminalize cannabis locally
Local activists have already succeeded in persuading various Texas communities to decriminalize cannabis.
Voters in Denton, Elgin, Harker Heights, Killeen and San Marcos passed ballot measures decriminalizing cannabis last November.
San Antonio voters will have a choice in May to decriminalize cannabis.
Of course, since Texas is Texas, there are anti-cannabis activists in Harker Heights trying to get a ballot measure that would reverse cannabis decriminalization.
Likewise, the outgoing district attorney in San Marcos is trying to overturn voters’ wishes.
Texas decriminalizes cannabis?
At the hearing on the bill, Joe Moody, chairman of the committee, the Democratic state representative explained how Texas would decriminalize cannabis if the bill became law.
Essentially, “The person walks lighter in the wallet but with no criminal record of any kind.”
While it’s a step in the right direction, as Moody said, “I want to be very clear. This bill is not legalization.”
In fact, “Texas Decriminalizes Cannabis” isn’t a headline that many are expecting. The Lone Star State is known for its conservatism, but consider the conservative arguments for legalizing cannabis.
The conservative argument for legalizing cannabis
Consider these conservative arguments for legalizing cannabis in Texas:
- Limited government intervention: Conservatives often advocate limited government intervention in personal matters. Legalizing cannabis would be consistent with this principle, as it would allow individuals to make their own decisions about their substance use without government interference.
- Fiscal Responsibility: Legalizing cannabis would generate significant tax revenue for the state. The government could use these proceeds to fund conservative priorities such as reducing state debt, improving infrastructure or increasing funding for the police.
- Individual freedom and responsibility: Conservatives believe in personal freedom and responsibility. Legalizing cannabis would allow individuals to make their own decisions about their use of the substance while holding them accountable for any harmful consequences that may arise.
- Criminal Justice Reform: Many conservatives have increasingly become advocates for criminal justice reform, particularly in reducing the number of nonviolent offenders in the criminal justice system. Legalizing cannabis would reduce the number of people being incarcerated for nonviolent drug offenses.
- States Rights: Conservatives have long been advocates of states’ rights and the decentralization of power. Legalizing cannabis would allow Texas to make its own decisions about the substance without interference from the federal government. This would be consistent with conservative principles of limited government and local control.
A legal or decriminalized cannabis market in Texas could set an example for the world.
Imagine a legal cannabis market guided by the principles of limited government intervention, fiscal responsibility, individual liberty and responsibility, criminal justice reform, and the rights of states.
The Texas Republican Party endorsed decriminalized cannabis in 2018. Now it’s time to implement this.
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