Terminally ill patients in Missouri are eligible for psychedelic treatment under the Right to Try Act
By Nicolas Jose Rodriguez
Rep. Michael Davis (R) filed a bill Wednesday to give residents with serious illnesses legal access to a range of psychedelic drugs, including psilocybin, ibogaine and LSD, through an expanded version of the state’s existing Try Rights Act, Marijuana Moment reported .
“There is growing interest and significant clinical research supporting the safety and efficacy of psychedelics in PTSD, traumatic injury therapy, and numerous other conditions,” Davis said in a press release. “Because the [Food and Drug Administration] has taken no action to reschedule these drugs and make them generally available, I am working to make these drugs available through the Missouri Investigational Drug Access Act.
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right to try
The bill builds on the state’s 2014 “Right-to-Trip” law, a law that allows patients with terminal illnesses access to “investigational drugs and devices” that are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved.
Missouri law specifically prohibits the use of Schedule I controlled substances. However, the new bill removes that provision and expands eligibility to patients with “debilitating” or “life-threatening” diseases.
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Under the new bill, possession of Schedule I drugs such as MDMA, DMT, ibogaine, LSD, mescaline, peyote and psilocybin would not be considered a criminal offense for patients participating in the right-to-try policy. A physician-recommended patient who “has considered all other treatment options” would be exempt from state possession bans.
Manufacturers could also produce the substances under state law and sell them legally to doctors and pharmacies.
This article originally appeared on Benzinga and has been republished with permission.
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